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Posted by : a January 20, 2013

بِسْــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ


Order of power
*Obito looks on visibly angry, his once cool demeanor has vanished*

MADARA: Obito...you're taking too long to crush them, hurry it up already. *tightening his Madara gloves*
OBITO: I said shut up! You would be nothing without me! I want them to suffere! Just like I did. I want to teach them desp-
*Naruto interrupts*
NARUTO: Despair, despair, blah blah blah, would you shut up already?
*He smirks*
*we see Kakashi, Guy, Darui and Hinata step forward, all cloaked in Kurama's chakra*
NARUTO: You nearly had me, but I can never forget my friends you-
*Obito interrupts, now raging in fury*
OBITO: You have no idea how the world works! I shall eradicate all of you, there will be no ninja world soon.
MADARA THINKS: The Juubi's chakra is overwhelming him... he's losing control of emotions...
*Obito rips the cord that connects him to the Juubi, his MS in glowing in the moonlight like cats eyes, he jumps down off the Juubi with his head tilted down, the Juubi's chakra is inside him and his sharingan begins to swirl*

*Naruto and the shinobi alliance gasp and are knocked back as they feel the potent chakra the combination of the sharingan, rinnegan and Juubi bring*
OBITO: You truly thought you had a chance?
*blood trickles down his right eye*
KAKASHI: Oh no! He can use Itachi's amaterasu too?
*Obito smirks*
*his sharingan spins wildly as his vortex range increases tenfold, searing black flames dance around the majority of the shinobi alliance, those around the edges get burned to a crisp, as the vortex narrows, Obito is knocked away by one of the Juubi hands*
OBITO: Grrrr
*Madara is shown flailing about on top of the Juubi, he can't hold the pull of the Juubi*
MADARA: Obito you fool!
*the tails whip wildly in random directions and Madara is forced to jump off*
MADARA: You've messed up Obito.
*glaring madly towards him*

*The scene switches back to Take and Orochimaru*
SASUKE: How much further?
OROCHIMARU: Patience young one, it appears someone is following us kukukuku *he lips his lips*
*Sasuke draws his sword*
SASUKE: I didn't even notice you, but that's what I would expect from a member of Taka.
*Karin steps from behind the bushes, she has stolen a Konoha chunin outfit and walks towards Sasuke*
SUIGETSU: Oh no not you!!
OROCHIMARU: Silence Suigetsu...Sasuke do you remember his street?
*Sasuke looks up to towards the electric cable tower in which Itachi once stood*
SASUKE: Yes I remember...

Naruto : It can be a curse, but I don't care.....I want to keep the real Neji here!
Obito : (aggressive) I don't care what you care, Naruto! But I want to get rid of this curse. And.... you can't stop me. I won't let you ruin what I desire.
Madara : (takes a glance at Obito and then at Naruto) (smirks)
(The wooden cord from Madara's belly gets disconnected)
Alliance : ?!!
Obito : ?!! Madara! What is this all about?
Madara : (twists wrist and neck) I'm getting a little bored here standing and listening to your conversations.
Obito : So?
Madara : So? So I'll just have some fun with the alliance. Since they got a power up now.
Obito : What about controlling the Juubi? Have you forgot the plan?
Madara : Hmm? Plan? Look who's asking here. By the way, the Nara's doing the job. Well, they said not to underestimate them. I'll re-connect when they get exhausted. You hold the Juubi for a while.
Obito : [Damn him] ....ok. Do what you want.
(Madara jumps off from the Juubi's head)
Alliance : ?!!
Naruto : ?!! (still distributing the chakra) Damn it! I must hurry.
(Madara activates Susano'o in the mid air)
(looking at the Susano'o, Naruto speeds up in a flash)
(three flash of light touches each and every shinobi in its way in a blink of eye and are moving in a random way)
(everyone gets a power up at the moment of the touch)
(Naruto's clones disperses)
Shikamaru : Naruto! stand back.
Naruto : ?!!
(Madara is about to land on the ground)
Madara : Hmm?
(some kyubi chakra cloaked shinobis dashes at his point of landing)
Madara : [they must be taijutsu users. So they know my weaknesses.] (lands and leaps backward to dodge them)
Madara : (gets back and smirks)
Sakura : Chaaaaaaa!! (and extends her fist to punch)
(A cracking sound is heard)
Madara : ?!!
(Sakura punches him from the back on his Susano'o)
(before he even turns back to who hit him while leaping, he is thrown like a meteor with the susano'o pieces shattered trying to stick to Madara with the speed of the attack)
Lee : Leaf Hurricane!!
(Lee attacks with frontal kick and throws Madara in the air upward while Gai in seventh gate punches hard from above throwing on the ground creating a crate)
(Madara's susano'o vanishes)
(The Naras are holding the Juubi while others watching the beating)
Cloud shinobis : Cloud style : Lightning net!!
(several nets are laid on Madara)
Obito : ........
Madara : These are useless against me. (activates rinnegan and starts absorbing the jutsu)
Mist shinobis : Water style : water bullets!!
(water bullets hits Madara but are ineffective)
Akatsuchi : Giant Golem!!
(a rock golem emerges out from the ground and mimics what the user does)
(Akatsuchi tightens his fist and same the golem do and slams the fist on Madara, powerful enough that the arm of the golem dismantles into several pieces)
(The water spills out with the rocks crumbling and increasing the crate area)
(Static charge flows through Madara because of the net and the water bullets)
(Several other stone shinobis creates the golem and hits the crate one after the another)
(And before the surroundings clears out, several ribbons emerges out from below the ground of the crate and seals Madara into a huge coffin of sealing ribbons and the seal spreads out.)
Shikamaru : As planned. (remembers)
[Shikaku : Listen everyone. Naruto is the key to this war. Or I should say, Kyuubi's chakra distribution technique is the key to our success. Once Naruto is fully charged, he'll distribute the chakra to everyone. Then Ino-Shika-Cho formation must hold the Juubi in its place. Then the members of the Nara clan and the Akimichi clan will hold the Juubi. Madara seems to be bored by the whole chaos, once the Juubi is in position, he will attack us since he is the immortal one. At that moment, Sakura will find an opening and with her brute strength she will attack him. Later use every ounce of your strength to bring down Madara. He do have the rinnegan, but whenever he uses it, attack him with taijutsu skills and seal him. Later, Obito and Juubi must be- (the HQ is destroyed)]
Random Shinobi : Do we seal him? (shocked with happiness) We...Wwee sealed him!!! Hurray!!
Shinobis : We sealed Uchiha Madara!!
Obito : ?!!
Shikamaru : (smiles and tears roll down his eyes) We did it dad. We- ?!! (remembers)
[Shikamaru : What if the strategy doesn't work out?
Shikaku : Live and guide them yourself. Shikamaru.]
Ino : We did it Shikamaru.
Shikamaru : [Something is missing.] (looks at Naruto) [He can sense the negative emotions. Since he do not sense any suspicious chakra, then its done.]
Kakashi : It seems we did it. Naruto.
Gai : Good job Lee!!
Lee : Thank You Gai Sensei. But the war is not yet complete.
Naruto : Hmm. (looks at Obito) Now only you and we are remaining. This war is OU- ?!!
(Everyone cheers the sealing of Uchiha Madara)
???? : Am..(A shadow comes out from the Juubi's one of the tail)
???? : I...(Another shadow comes out from the adjacent tail)
???? : really...(Comes out from one of the Juubi's leg)
???? : defeated?(emerges out from the palm of Juubi's hand)
(Sensory type ninjas suddenly feels a chakra signature and are shocked)
(Four clones of Madara hidden behind the Juubi shows themselves)
Shikamaru : Those all are wooden clones. Does that mean they can still survive?
Madara : (emerges out from the same position where he was connected to the Juubi) The "Uchiha Madara" you sealed was one of my wooden clones. In the end, your strategy didn't worked out.
Naruto/Kakashi/Gai/Shikamaru : ?!!!
Shinobis : ?!!! (sweat rolls down from their heads)
Obito : ....[Even I thought I got rid of that man for real]
Naruto : How wasn't I able to sense him?
Shikamaru : That's the main point. You were the key for all of us to sense the negative emotions and that's why he hid himself inside the Juubi because you weren't able to sense the Juubi's emotions. He's far more clever than we thought.
(The Four clones of Madara lands on the ground and positions themselves in the four directions)
Madara : (looks at Sakura) Your strength reminds me of that Hokage of Konoha. You must be her student.
Sakura : (looking at Madara) Yes I am, she will join us soon(smirks)
Madara : ?!! The hope you are clinging to, has been... cut in half by me! (smirks looking at her)
Sakura/Leaf Shinobis : ?!! [Did he?]
Shinobis : ?!!
(The clones goes in Susano'o mode)
(Uchiha Madara will display the true despair)
*Sasuke looks onto the old Uchiha abandoned street, and remembers the face of Itachi. Juugo and Suigetsu stand behind Sasuke in confusion about where Orochimaru is leading them. Orochimaru smirks with a stop as he turns to see Sasuke in a reminiscing daze*

Orochimaru: *smiling in interest* "Is everything alright?"
Sasuke: *Looking up towards the full moon* "I'm sure that Madara will carry on the moon's eye plan soon....How foolish....I would think he wouldn't be taking this long."

*Sasuke remembers sensing Naruto's chakra. Orochimaru, looks up at the moon as well*

Orochimaru: "Looks like they have Naruto to deal with....don't you think....Sasuke."
Sasuke: "...."
Suigetsu: "Oi, Sasuke?"
Sasuke: *acknowleging Suigetsu*
Suigetsu: "Juugo and I were held a while back ago, so we know the wearabouts of karin. We were thinking that we'd do you a favor and leave you and the snake freak to do your own bidding while we go get her..."
Sasuke: *turning back to Orochimaru* "It doesn't matter...do what you want"
Juugo: "..."
Suigetsu:*annoyed* "Humph! High and mighty I see...then again, you never really did show enthusiasm when it came to teamwork. *looks to juugo* "Alright, let's go."

*Sasuke walks ahead of Orochimaru at Suigetsu and Juugo's exit. Orochimaru stares towards the Uchiha with much praise and wide-eyed evil excitement*

Sasuke: *stopping* "Well, are you gonna lead the way or what?"
Orochimaru: *In his head* "Seems like the boy has grown quite a lot since I last laid these eyes on him."

*Big Panel of Sasuke revealing his new eyes in a cool calmness, but with strong fury all at the same time. Orochimaru's words at the side of the panel page*
^Orochimaru: "He is dead set on seeing them!!"

*Scene switches to Naruto who places the Kyuubi chakra onto Lee. The others stare in wait in anticipation for Naruto's next words*

Lee: "Naruto...I-"
Naruto: "Neji may be down for the count, but he still burns within your heart Lee."

*Lee wipes his eyes*

Naruto: "Besides, you two are rivals...don't let him outdue you while he's still connected within us. He watches you even now."
Lee: *Stands up straight* "Naruto is right!"
Gai: "Thats what I'm talking about! Way to go Lee!" *A flame burning in his eyes*
TenTen: *In thought as she looks to Naruto* "Amazing, who would have thought Lee could be swayed at a time like this...Is that....Is that really naruto?"

*Naruto looks over at the staring TenTen and smiles brightly. Naruto and the others are interrupted by Obito*

Obito: "You just don't get it do you...your all within range....I can make a reality far better than-"

*Obito stops mid-sentence with a worried grin on his face. Madara notices this*

Madara: *In thought of Obito's atittude* "Soon....very soon."

*Naruto looks towards Hinata who seems to smile back at him in reassurance. Naruto nods with a smile back, he then faces in Obito's direction once more to continue his words*

Naruto: "I don't know what kind of life you want to distort and engrave into our heads, but its not mine!! If I fail it'll be the end of shinobi!!"

Obito: "...."
Madara: "...."

*Naruto appears in super speed behind Kiba and Shino, and sends more kyuubi chakra into their bodies. Naruto finishes his speech in the process in a loud passionate voice of inspiration*

Naruto: "IF THIS IS OUR LAST SHOT TO REPRESENT SHINOBI WE'LL TAKE IT!!! BUT I REFUSE TO THINK EVEN THAT!...." *Naruto remember the old 3rd hokage when he was a Kid and continues speaking with a bang* THE WILL OF FIRE NEVER DIES OUT!!!"

*Suddenly Kiba and Akamaru transform in a quick, surprising speed into the two headed wolf. It grows much bigger with the Kyuubi chakra enhacement. Shino awaits for an opening*

Nara members holding Juubi with Shadow possessions: "Do as much damage as you can! It will make this strategy hold stronger."
Shikamaru: "Naruto be sure to be ready when the time comes to deliver the finishing blow to one of the two!"

Naruto walks over to Hinata and stands by her with a confident grin: "You got it Shikamaru!"

*Suddenly Kakashi walks over and nudges Naruto's side. Naruto looks at him, amazed, but senses what his Sensei desired. Naruto nods at Kakashi's gesture*

*Obito grows angrier. Madara looks over towards the two-Headed wolf without any sign of amazment on his face*

Madara: "Seems as if your words meant nothing. He is as confident as ever....well, obi-"
Obito: "Shut your mouth....don't forget, your at my mercy."
Madara: "......" *In thought as he looks at Obito's uncertain face* "It's only a matter of time before his resolve shatters at the mercy of Naruto.....thats where I'll make a move. You don't know it but your at my mercy....Obito"

*Suddenly the two headed wolf moves forward and strikes the juubi in the arm near the head with its fangs. The juubi gives out a horrifying shriek. It stresses the Nara clan to hold it down with accuracy. the juubi pushes the two headed wolf out of the way. It shoots a large bijuu bomb straight at the two headed wolf's face. The Jutsu gets undone as Kiba and Akamaru come out in plain sight falling fast. Blood falls fast along with them. Hinata manages to grab Akamaru and Sai manages to grab Kiba both in the air*

Obito: "You underestimate the power of the Juubi!!!"

*The Juubi begins to shake, suddenly a big hole blows open close towards the Juubi's thigh. Giant beetles mixed with small ones begin to fly out of it in various directions. This makes the Juubi screech loudly. Obito and Madara are aroused in confusion. Shino steps out with the Kyuubi's chakra surrounding him. He fixes his glasses*

Shino: "And you understimate Shinobi"
The Aburame clan: *smiling* "Good job there shino, nice thinking..."
Madara: "I see....that two headed wolf was meant to get this close to us, giving the aburame kid a great opening to enter the juubi without anyone noticing it. And the Juubi was focused too much from the pain of the fangs on his arms to do anything about it, giving a wide opening easily taken for an inner attack.*

*The juubi stops its screech and seems to be little affected by the hard blow within him. Shino jumps off and lands on the ground a safe distance away*

Obito: "Is that all you've got! Is this all Shinobi are capable of! You've all barely laid a scratch on my resolve! It's pointless! I have a better reality to enstill upon this world! Just give up!!!"

*Suddenly Kakashi appears with the kyuubi cloak around him. He confronts Obito in a super fast speed. Kakashi looks into Obito's sharingan, as Obito (with no other choice from the sudden speed) looks into Kakashi's sharingan with his sharingan as well*

*Obito appears in a vision at the sight of the sharingan. The vision shows Obito taking the place of every part of the life Naruto led. He see's himself talking the Chunin exams, training with jiraiya, talking to the Kyuubi, fighting pain, and finally standing before an evil man who wished to take this world away and enstill a new reality as he was now trying to do himself*

Kakashi's voice during the vision: "You could have been just like him....you could have been the voice of true peace....You could have been......Naruto"

Obito talking during the vision: "I gave up on that sort of peace a long time ago, and I won't go back. Rin died for the sake of that peace...your so called peace is an illusion."
Kakashi's voice during the vision: "Are you sure you want to take this path...you can choose what is right. Here and now...we can see Rin again together."

*Obito's voice in the vision thinks for a second, but then, begins to answer*

Obito's voice in the vision: "I will not change...I refuse...."

*Kakashi sighs, and begins to answer as the vision slowly dissipates*

Kakashi:"I understand....that is why..."

*Obito opens his eyes and appears back in reality with Kakashi nowhere in sight. Naruto appears up in the air with a Rasengan in hand. Obito and Madara look up unamazed*

Obito: *shaking Kakashi's words* "JUST GIVE UP!!!*
Naruto: *with a smirk in the sky, rasengan ready* "If I give up the story will change!! The Tale of Me will never change! SO.....GIVE UP ON ME GIVING UP!!! NOW KAKASHI!!!!"

*Kakashi grabs onto Obito in a surprised shock, and conters Obito's Kamui with his own so that he won't disappear. Naruto moves at full force for the strike*

Obito: "!!?"
Kakashi: *Kakashi finishes his previous statement from the vision* "I will see a better future for you since your eyes have fallen to folly, luckily mine haven't!!!"

Naruto: "RASENGAN!!!"
*Last panel shows Naruto doing a rasengan onto Obito's body, along with Madara smirking in the side.*

وَ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

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