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Posted by : a February 06, 2013

بِسْــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

SASUKE : First Hokage... I'll ask you. What is the Village? What are Shinobi in the first place?
HASHIRAMA : Hehhe...(scratches his head) Its my turn now, huh?
SASUKE : (gives a scary look to Hashirama) I asked you something, first Hokage!!
OROCHIMARU : (looking at sasuke) He reminds you of Naruto, huh?
MINATO : Naruto?!!
SASUKE : .....
HASHIRAMA : (while scratching his head) Huh?
TOBIRAMA : (looking at Hashirama) He is still the idiot Hokage. (looks at Sasuke) You asked what are shinobi? (sighs) ....One who puts his life on the line to protect and endure the love and hate of their loved ones as well as their enemies'. I hoped you must be knowing all these in the academy.
HASHIRAMA : Tobi!! (serious voice) Stop talking like that.
(Hashirama stands in front of Sasuke)
HASHIRAMA : Tobi is correct. That's what we wanted to teach the new generation. And I think your brother followed it the way we wanted. This is what the village Hidden in the Leaf wanted from its children to inherit in them. But even before the village was formed.... the word "Shinobi" had a completely different meaning.
TOBIRAMA : ......
SASUKE : What do you mean?
HASHIRAMA : In our times... it was just a title. A title under which one was capable to do whatever he wanted. The people put it as "Criminals". The Shinobi had the right to thug, rape, snatch, love and kill for their own comforts. These Shinobis use to move in groups..... rather than group...Clans. The people of the Clan used to fight with the other clans either for themselves or for their clan. Our Senju clan and the Uchiha clan was powerful among the clans. The other clans used to fear our clans. And...this was our loss.
SASUKE : Loss?
HASHIRAMA : The other clans who were weak compared to their rivals used to hire the Senjus or the Uchihas to show off their power. And if one chose to hire the Senjus then their rivals would hire the Uchihas. In this way, whether the rival nations win or lose, the one to suffer were the Uchihas and Senjus. The Senjus and the Uchihas never bothered about this because they both also wanted to live up to their own pride. Some were forced under the orders. We fought many times. One of the Uchihas fought bravely and fiercely for his clan against us. He was Uchiha Madara.
EVERYONE : .....
HASHIRAMA : Later, I was chosen as the leader of the Senjus and Uchiha Madara was chosen as the leader of the Uchihas. The voting for the leader position was based on how much powerful one is, in our Senju Clan whereas in the Uchihas, the one with the strong ocular prowess will achieve the throne. And Madara was the only capable one among the Uchihas to awaken the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and that too with the loss of his beloved brother's , Uchiha Izuna's vision. Izuna gave away his eyes to Madara against the Uchihas just for one reason which I also wanted to achieve.
SASUKE : ......
TOBIRAMA : .....
EVERYONE : ......
HASHIRAMA : It was "Peace". Madara loved his brother very much. He was stunned by the fact that his brother offered him his own eyes for the welfare of the Uchihas. That's why Madara decided to take on what his brother, Izuna, wanted.
HASHIRAMA : In order to stop the bloodshed, the leader of the Senju, I, and the leader of the Uchiha, Madara, agreed for a truce and we founded the village Hidden in the Leaf. Many of the Senjus as well as Uchihas were against the truce. That time, Madara announced that whoever wants peace can live a peaceful life under the Leaf. There were no restrictions for the other clans to live in the village who too wanted peace. That was the time when I respected him more than my own clan. The village was built for the people to live a peaceful life and was protected by the Shinobis who were willing to maintain the peace among the people of the village. Watching the Hidden Leaf Village, other clans decided to get rid of the fights at some point and decided to settle down for peace.
EVERYONE : ......
HASHIRAMA : I was appointed as the Hokage in which Madara played a big role from my side. I was still naive to lead the village but he admired my strength and considered me as the most suitable leader for the villages' peace. Everyone was amazed about the fact that Madara is not fighting for the post of the Hokage. Uchihas tried to revolt against it... but we both handled it cautiously. Later I distributed the bijuus among the villages to maintain the balance of power. Madara was good at strategies and used to handle the political conflicts with the other villages. Soon Madara truly wanted peace and thought it as his main goal and not just his brother's goal. (sighs).... Until he lost what he loved the most.....his brother, Izuna died.
SASUKE : ?!!
(What caused Izuna's death?)
Naruto Chapter 620 Prediction
What is a village?! What are shinobi in the First place?!

1st Hokage: hmmm?! ... .... why are you asking this anyway Uchiha boy ?!

Sasuke: Depending on your answers i´ll will decide my future actions...So tell me shodaime sama

1st thinking: A shinobi is a tool.....

Sasuke: ?!....

1st: a tool which endures and fights hatred
we live to protect the people we care about, we cannot always win or protect, sometimes we fail and loose als
and through loses we produce hatred, revenge and so on....many wars/battles started this way...as long as shinobi exists, there will be fights against hatred

In our time there were no villages, just different clans , everyone fought for its clan, battles where
Alongside my brother i decide to create a village, to unite as many clans as possible, so that we can form a
bigger clan, .......and together with Uchiha and other clans we formed the clan of konohagakure,
From that moment, we were known as shinobi of the konohagakure clan, ...of course the names of the
different clans where still in use and they can not be deleted jsut because you can not delete history

many clans did the same and somehow we had peace finally, , but....

Sasuke: but what?!

1st: Madara couldn´t think in a bigger scale..because our clans were the strongest of all clans, he didn´t want the
Uchiha to be "reduced" to the same level as the other clans....indeed the uchiha were strongest, but the source
of their power is wrong
You remember the story of tobirama earlier?!...His thirst for power didn´t stop and all started with the loss of his
younger brother Izuna.....
When i think about it, i can understand his pain, somehow our clan is also responsible for his loss...
I hoped that i could convinced him, but in the end he challenged me and attacked us.
I didn´t want to fight but I had to protect my new clan and family so i fought and killed him....

Oro: Not exactly, he was pretending to be dead but he managed to steal your dna and implanted in himself and
awakened rikodous power

Hokages: !!!??!!

Sasuke: What is hte power of rikodou?!

Oro: it all is written on this tablet behind you
Sasuke: no it´s not, i read the tablet years ago, there are just information about the mange sharingan

Oro: .. read it again sasuke kun but with the eternal mange sharingan.....

Sasuke: *switch to ems*: ??!!!!!

What is exactly written on the tablet! What will happen next
Life of the Hashirama Senjuu
Sasuke narrows his eyes at Hashirama Senjuu as he ask him questions !

Sasuke: what is village ?! , what is shinobi ?!

Hashirama Senjuu: ?!

Hashirama Senjuu's face expression changes to serious as he stop being goffy, while Second turns his face sligthly to hashirama with hands folded on his waist, with Hiruzen and Minato turning their head's to Hashirama.

Hashirama(being serious): Everything began long time ago, since my birth I have fought all time. I was born in time of wars along with Tobirama, my brother.

Hashirama: Since our birth we were taught to fight by our parents to survive in times of wars. However our Senjuu clan secretly was searching solution to stop this wars....

Tobirama (reminds himself what did happen): sigh..., you are going to talk about it...

Hashirama: Yes...


Hashirama and Tobirama as childs are shown sitting down on ground in front of their parents.

Hashirama: Father, why have to train and fight all time ?, what is the meaning of it ?!

Tobirama: Uchiha clan is our enemies, that why ?

Father: tsk..., we have to train and fight our whole life time, because we have to be prepared for wars with other clans.

Mother: Our Senjuu clan along with Uchiha clan are hired in these time of wars, as we are most powerfull ninja.

Father: Unfortunetly, this is true..., when someone hire our clan to fight other hire Uchiha clan, that makes us enemis. However ,even I can see that these is too much hate in this world..., this is not something our Ancestor wanted us to do...

Mother: Our Ancestor, younger son of Sage of six paths, god himself wished for Senjuu clan to unite with Uchiha clan finding understanding, ever lasting peace...

Father: Hashirama, Tobirama I believe you found way to reach peace some day.


Hashirama: Many times Uchiha clan have clashed with Senjuu clan, while we are growing up. Time passed , as I along with my brother took part in this war personally, clashing with Uchiha clan.

Tobirama: It was first time, when we met these brothers of Uchiha...

Hashirama: indeed, Madara Uchiha and Izuna Uchiha.

Hashirama: We as them most powerfull shinobi in Senjuu clan against them as most powerfull shinobi of Uchiha clan.

Hashirama: From then, many times we have clashed again, and again.

Tobirama: There was always a lot of dead ones on both sides.

Hashirama: Exactly, I began slowly to understand what our parents meant.

Tobirama: that he mean...

Hashirama: Once time I was in our sacred Senjuu Temple, which is hidden behind Mountain of Hokages in deep forest, that only Senjuu or Uzumaki can find way there.

Tobirama: None could enter this temple, without knowledge and certain abiliites.

Hashirama: Exactly..., like Uchiha and Hyuuga clans ancestor left them tablet in Naraka Shrine, Senjuu and Uzumaki clans ancestor left us tablet too in undeground passage under mountain of Hokages to which only entrance of Senjuu Temple lead.

Tobirama: contain of this tablet can only be shown as Senjuu life force was transfered with mere touch. Obviously more powerfull Senjuu was more he can read.

Hashirama: Exactly.


Sacred Senjuu Temple is shown from front view, with closure on entrance to Senjuu temple.Young Hashirama and Tobirama are shown standing in front of stone tablet with one of each of them put on opossite side of tablet. Fire from derivatives is throwing light on Senju brothers faces.


Hashirama: Many secrets are written there.... Order of reading more is basic Senjuu body Senjutsu, you can read little, then powered up Senjuu body ,you can read more, Pernament Senjuutsu Senjuu body you can read even more, with finally Bijuu chakra along with Senjuu body you can read all.

Hashirama: it says that shinobi is human who can love, hate, expierience all feelings but under control. Shinobi has to endure pain, loss of loved ones.

Tobirama: However Shinobi has to accept some things are impossible to do, accept own failures but try to always do his/her best.

Hashirama: True power of shinobi is comming from his love, not hate. Shinobi can be only powerfull when they protect close ones to them, famliy, friends even being ready to sacrifice themselves for greater good.

Sasuke: I see...*reminds when Naruto protected Sakura from Gaara*, so that it.

Hashirama: Time have passed, as Uchiha clan and Senjuu clan was tired of fighting so we decided to create alliance.

Sasuke: Senjuu and Uchiha created alliance ?!

Tobirama: exactly, young Uchiha...

Hashirama: Madara Uchiha as Uchiha leader along with Izuna Uchiha his younger brother signed alliance with me senjuu clan leader along with my little brother named Tobirama Senjuu. Finally we were free of Wars, loosing bloods of our beloved ones, peace was reached...

Suddenly Hashirama face expression changes from serious to sad as he continues to speak.

Hashirama: at least i think. However it was only begining to great tragedy...

Everyone(without Tobirama): ?!


621 - Village hidden in leaves - comming soon...
fourth's mistake
Hashirma seeing the Mangakyo sharingan in sasuke's eyes.

Hashirama : It's mangakyo sharingan Tobirama ( in mind ) Oh no this child too posses mangakyo.

Tobirama : I think he wanted to fight with us

Hashirma : Tobirama pleas let the child to talk.
Sasuke : First hokage answer me

Hashirama : If you wanted to know about village and shinobi...well it's have a lot of to say. Konoha village is created by the union of senju and uchiha .We both agreed on a pact about not attacking each other and creating a village where all clan in fire country safely live and enjoy peace.We selected a place where a large hill islocated.Now that place became the current konoha.

Sasuke : Then how come uchiha annoyed with the village especialy Madara?

Hashirama : The reason is that the first one who thought about creating a peaceful world or a village is Madara. But at that time I didn't care about that and didn't give much thought about that.The pact between creating konoha and stop fighting between senj and uchiha came after the death of Madara's brother Uchiha Izuna...That made him hate village and everything....The pecae and village camed after the death of his liitle brother...He don't need that ....

If I listened to Madara a liitle bit earlier....

Tobirama : That's not the only reason Madara wanted to become the hokage but every one wanted Ni san as hokage ..That also increased the hate towards konoha.....

Sasuke : Hmph... Then what is meant by a shinobi ?

Tobirama : you sure have a lot of questuions

Hashirama : A fighter who puts his life in the line to protect something and endures...We are all shinobys

Sasuke : I have nothing to protect

Hashirama : young man what is your Name?

Sasuke : sasuke uchiha.. Knowing my name will not give you anything

Hashirama : Then hear young uchiha..your name is taken from a brave fighter and a true shinoby who given us the path of a shinoby. Sarutobi sasuke. If your Mom and dad gave you that name..It indicates that they wanted you to become like him...

Hiruzen : ( in his mind ) My father

Sasuke : Hmph ..I wanted to know one more thing too. who did the attack of kyuubi 16 years ago on konha? 4th hokage..answer me

Minato : It is done by some one with a mask and sharingan

Sasuke !!! what a masked man..

Minato : ????

Orochimaru : The attack of kyuubi is done by a masked man he himself call tobi ..still uchiha payed for that...

Suigethsu : Not only that he himself call madara or some thing...

Hashirama and tobirama : !!Madara? Is he still alive

Minato : No! It not done by uchiha clan..That night I still remember he is some one out from konoha and he has a mask...I didn't able to reprot what happened at that night.to hiruzen sama. Because I died at that night...But I able to seal the kyuubi in to my own son

Sasuke : your mistake made a whole clan turn into dissapear from earth...I can't forgive you fourth hokage..and I will kill your son..

Orochimaru : Well sasuke kun you may be already know that his son is Naruto...

Minato :I never thought things will be go like this. My son will not be defeated by any one. As a father I believe in him.
620 Prediction By Shouri Uchiha
Sasuke : First Hokage.... What is a village and what is a Shinobi..??

Hashirama : Have you ever heard of the will of fire..??

Sasuke : I want you to answer my question....What is a village and what is a Shinobi..??

Tobirama : Brother what makes you think that an Uchiha like him will understand the will of fire..??
Look at his eyes.... Isn't it a proof enough for you....of the great deal of hatred he carries in 
his heart..??

Hashirama : No Tobirama.... He is a part of our village and as the Hokages we must answer all his 

Tobirama : Go ahead then....

Hashirama : Sasuke Uchiha....It was the belief of our Senju Clan ancestors that love is the key to peace.
It eventually became my life's philosophy too.... I believed and taught my next 
generation that every true Konoha shinobi must love, believe, cherish and fight for the 
village's sake, as previous generations had done before them....this is what gives 
Konohagakure shinobi the strength to continue fighting against all odds, building willpower 
and strength of character. It is also symbolic of the hopes and dreams of the previous 
generation being passed to the next....

Sasuke : What do you want to say..?? 

Tobirama : I told you.... he won't get it.... 

Hashirama : Will you be quiet for a moment....let me finish it.... 

Hashirama : In short the village is like our family.... we must protect it and place the village's interest 
above our personal interests just like we'd do for any of our loved ones....

Sasuke : Fourth Hokage.... I want to know what happened that night 16 years ago when the village was
attacked by the nine tails..?? who was behind it..??

Minato : It was a masked man who controlled the nine tails with his sharingan and unleashed it on the 
village.... at first I thought it was Madara Uchiha.... but then Madara died long ago.... It was
some other Uchiha with great power and abilities....

Hashirama : Yes.... He couldn't have been Madara.... Madara died in the battle at Valley of the End....

Sasuke : A masked man known as Tobi was the one who told me about the Uchiha Can Massacre....
He also claims that he is Madara Uchiha himself....

All Four Hokages : What the..!!

Sasuke : Orochimaru.... I want to talk to one more person.... can you reanimate him using the sixth 

Orochimaru : Of course Sasuke.... Just tell me who he is..??

Sasuke : He is someone Kabuto couldn't reanimate.... But I think only you can reanimate him....

Orochimaru : Very well then.... Who is he..??(Licks his tongue)

Sasuke : Shisui Uchiha....!!!!

Orochimaru : Here we go....!!!!(Licks his tongue)

PS - This is just a prediction.... Orochimaru may have something of Shisui as he was affiliated with Danzo once and 
Danzo took Shisui's eye.... Everything is possible when Orochimaru the genius is around....  
A basic rule
1st: young boy, the love you carry is great, but the hatred inside you is even greater
Sasuke: do not talk about me, just answer the question, what is a shinobi and what is the village.

1st sits down on meditation position, everyone listens

1st: my younger brother here explained you a part of a basic rule in nature, and that is that LOVE is the most powerfull thing.
Sasuke: but he said that for uchiha, jutsu is the most powerfull thing.
1st: yes...., but.

Flashback with the senin-god an his 2 sons
1st: why do you think that the younger brother of the seningod was chosen?
1st: you must understand that in nature, there is only ONE energy flowing, but in different shapes and colors, and that thing is called LOVE.
Now, there are 2 sides about it, both of them correct, but slidely opposite.
2nd: do not tell him, you know he will never understand.
1st: only time will tell, it is my responsability and yours to tell the thruth, now shut up.
1st: as i was saying, the uchiha and the senju are lime two faces of a coin, both of them right, but opposite.
Sasuke: what do you mean?
1st: the uchihas like to protect love and keep love in a secure place, and they go mad when they eventualy lose it.
Senju on the other hand, like to express love and share it with other people, they think that this is the true way to peace.
1st: i ask you again, why do you think that the 2nd son of seningod was chosen?
Sasuke: you still haven't answered my questions.

1st: a shinobi is a person who has chose one of the paths, and recognized the truth within self, and by doing that accepts his role in this life.
Thus the village is the huge family of shinobis, where all live in peace and all of the knowledege is past to the younger generations,.... The will of fire.
Sasuke: and the will of fire?

3rd: that is what itachi had, and wanted for uou as well.
Hasirama standing
Hasirama: if you are from konoha, you will find it in you
You Are His Friend
[Scene is Sasuke alone with the previous kage]

Sasuke:"Hmmm I have alot more to ask but Orochimaru could turn them on me at any given moment and try to steal my body.. The 4th has space time jutsu.. I could use him to take me to Madara and get his side of the story"

Hashirama: Tell me boy have you awakened the Mangekyo?

Sasuke: I'm aware of the consequences.. My brother passed away and left me his eyes.. I have yet to discover what they can do but I feel his power.

Minato: It would be truely astounding to witness a fight between you and my son.. Both of you are immensely powerful shinobi..

Hiruzen: Did Itachi tell you about everything?

-Sasuke turns to Hiruzen-

Sasuke: Yes..

Hashirama: Tell me what became of Madara?

Minato: Apparently he died at the Final valley but then re-emerged as the 'Masked Man' claiming to be Madara and possessing a wealth of knowledge be it he is Madara or not it was clear he had contact with him to gain the information he did.

Tobirama: How do you know all of this?

Minato: The day of my sons birth he re-emerged and attempted to take the nine tails from Kushina who was at the time the beasts jinchuuriki.. That was another thing Sasuke.. Because Kushina had come into contact with your mother Mikoto whilst on the way to give birth Danzo and those two used their friendship as a weapon against your clan..


Minato: Whilst all this happened the masked man took Kushina whilst I removed Naruto from the situation.. and extracted the nine tails from her before summoning it and controlling it with his sharingan..

Sasuke: How can you tell when the Kyuubi is being controlled?

Hiruzen: your sharingan tomoe appear around its iris..

Sasuke: I see.. continue..

Minato: Sasuke as much as I'd like to answer your questions you must be aware of the implications that come with resurrecting Orochimaru?

Sasuke: Yes I am fully aware...

Hiruzen: Good so you'll know what to do when the time comes.

Sasuke: Hmph.

-Minato moves closer to sasuke who seems aware but doesn't react-

-Minato leans into Sasuke's ear so that only he can hear him-

Minato: I can take you to where Madara & the masked man Tobi are but having Orochimaru around means he can stop us at any given moment.. as much as I want to protect the leaf I see that you deserve answers..

-Sasuke calls out to Orochimaru-

-Orochimaru walks in-

Sasuke: Orochimaru I give you two options.. Run and leave control of these 4 to me or die.

Orochimaru: Heh' Sasuke.. Did you think it would be that ea-

-Suddenly an arm of Susanoo appears piercing orochimaru from above with the sword of totsuka-

Sasuke: I don't have time for a lengthy anecdote on how you will come back again..

-Juugo and Suigetsu look at Sasuke in shock-

Juugo: I thought you would have kept him alive a bit longer..

Sasuke: Minato, How many people can you teleport?

Minato: Considering I'm an edo tensei my chakra is pretty much unlimited..

Sasuke: Suigetsu.. I want you to go to the Mist and await further instructions.. Jugo you are coming with me.

Suigetsu:..Awwww man I don't wanna go home

-Sasuke stares blankly at Suigetsu with his EMS activated-

Suigetsu: Okay Okay I'll go.. Jeez Sasuke your more scarier then ever before.

Hashirama: So where are we heading?

Minato: To the masked man.. Though given recent events it's likely he is with Madara so we'll be needing your assistance..

Tobirama: It'll be good to see Madara after all these years even given the events before his death.. He was always up for sparring.

-They all come together and place there hands on Minato's back-

Hiruzen: Are you ready Sasuke?

Sasuke: Yes..
وَ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

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