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Posted by : a February 15, 2013

بِسْــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Chapter 621 Prediction 
1st: and now that you know everythings, what are you gonna do, little Uchiha?


2nd: come on lets go, we have to take care of Madara instead of lose time here!!!

1st: be quiet Tobirama! I want an answer! beside we can't go anywhere, thanks to your technique!

Oro: kukuku....

Sasuke: i need time to think about everythings you said. i have no answer for you firs hokage now, but don't worry I'm not going to destroi the leaf for the moment. I made a promise to someone and I want to keep it! I promised to not attack the village until I beat a certain person.

Sui: so what you gonna do next?

Sasuke: we go to meet Madara, I want to know his version of the story!!! Lets go!

Oro: I don't think so! now you will face me! this wil be very different from last time! You are mine! Don't worry Sasuke, I will not use the Kage, my jutsu will be enought to get rid of you!

Sasuke jump away and activate is EMS, then he fired a fire ball to Oro, who dodges easily. they both extrat their sword and run against each other. their about to clash when they suddendly stop because of a kunai trown bewin them by someone unknown. Minato teleported to that kunai and hit Oro with a rasengan in the the chest!
Then we see Orochimaru flying away screaming!

Everybody: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oro: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo! that's not possible!! I can't belive it! how? how have you menage to get free?

we see a FTG tatoo on orochimaru. Minato teleport againt next to him and put an hand on him and a seal appear ( just like he did with tobi to free the kyubi)

Minato: I have studied Tobirama-sama space-time techniqe to develope my own. when I became hokage the duty to protect the leaf village was on my shoulder. So i start to cosidered all the possible threat for the village and take precaution. I even studied how the edo tensei work, to find a way to stop it in case someone would have used against the village. but i only menaged to find a way to break the bond betwin the caster and the edo.

2nd: To find a way to break the bon... Good job! That's the wikness of this jutsu! there is nothing worst than have an immortal opponent to deal with!

1st: looks like you choose a fine successor, Sarutobi-chan!!!

2nd: Now we have to stop Madara! Lets go!

1st: Freeze! You are not going anywhere! You stay here! I and the others Kage will take care of Madara! You have another duty to accomplice!

2nd: what are you talking about?

1st: You have to take care of this Orochimaru! It your responsability because you created the Edo Tensei! so now is your responsability! i don't want anybody use this technique again!

2nd: **** you! ...... ok i will take care of him!!!

3rd: may I assist you, tobirama-sama? after all I failed sat time in killing him. now i can finish the job!

2nd: as you wish, if my brother agree...

1st: fine. and you sasuke? coming with me and Minato?

Sasuke: yes. i want to meet Madara and I don't care about this snake!

1st: well! We spend enought time here. Let's go. It will take a while to arrive there.

Minato: thats not correct Lord first Hokage.

1st: what do you mean? could use the tachnique we saw before to teleport to the battlefild?

Minato: Maybe. My technique teleport my every where I have put a special marck, like the one on this kunai. so if one of theme is on the battlefild i can teleport us there with no problem.

Sasuke: so it's usless. nobody has ever user your FTG.

Minato: I know. Its secret died with me and my wife. But maybe we are lucky. When my first student became a Junin I give him one of my kunai as a gift. I know he will always carry that kunai with him. So tell me do you know a Konoha ninja with white hair and with his left eye always cover? Is name is Hatake Kakashi, is he steal alive?

Sasuke:!!!!!! Kakashi-sensei.... he was my former teacher. yes he sould be alive. but i don't know for sure.

Minato: Let's try... in the worst case scenario we will be teleportet inside Konoha or in fron of is grave. anyway we will be close to the battlefild. Lord Hashirama if you are ready to leave, come here and put a hand on my shoulder. Sasuke you and your crew do the same. It's time to say hello to my former student and to see how much my son grow!

Sasuke:!!!!!!!!(thinking: the 4th, now that he talked about a son... he remaind me....Naruto!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Hashirama, Sasuke&co and Minato vanish in a yellow flash

3rd: now Orochimaru let's end this! Sensei, please let me fight alone!

2nd: as you wish.

Orochimaru: Sarutobi-sensei. ready to die again?

On the battlefild

Madara had made some woodclone, which are in "walking susano'o" mode and are fightin with the alliance
Naruto and Hinata are fighting whith madara alone, kakashi and gay with obito
the Juby is slowly recovering and strat to get up

Suddendly: Mokuton Multi-Mokuryuu No Jutsu. Mokuton Multi-Mini-Mokujin no Jutsu

a 100 of wood dragon attack the Juby and block it on the group and some Mini Wood golem attack and destrid madara wood clone!

Madara: what the hell! Impossible! How could he be here!!! I died long ago!

1st: Hello Madara, it's been a wile! I told my brother that the edotensei wasn't somthing good. you should be dead long ago too.

everybody stop fighting and look with shock!

Naruto: what! another ****ing edo to deal with? who is this bastard?

Kakashi: he... he is the 1st Hokage Senju Hashirama, but how and who?

unknown: maybe I could help you. I'm glad you two are fine!

Naruto: Dad?!?!?!?!?!
Kakashi: Senpai!?!?!?!?!?!?

Back to Oro, Tobi and Saru

we see orochimaru smiling while loking to his former teacher

Oro: finally! I menaged to put a "control kunai" in your head sensei. you are mine again!

2nd: Shit! I was careless!

Oro: and now Lord 2nd are you ready?

2nd: I have to admit, you are stronger that I expected. you easiky take contro of Sarutobi. but with me will be a complite different thing!

Oro: kukukukukuku!

2nd since you are usin an Edo against me, i should use mine too. My edo are differnt from yours, because they are much weaker than the original, but even if they are weaker the when they were alive, they are strong as my old brother. I promised to not use them for the rest of my life, but since I'm death: Summoning Edo Tensei!!!!!!!!!


2nd: I used them only one time in my life, when I was almost killed by the Hidden Cloud Gold Twins. I'm glad to introduce Heihachi e Kazuya Mishima.

Oro:kukukuku.... who are they? I never heard of them! must be a bluff

2nd: No bluff. you don't know their name, nut I'm sure you know them. Those are the Rikuddo Sennin Sons!!!!!

The End
Water and oil/Apple and cinnamon
Hashirama: You see unlike the senju and uchiha we are water and oil madara and I were more like apple and cinnamon allow me to enlighten you of our battle. ( Hashirama goes into flashback mode.)

Hashirama: ( he is seen using the Shinto god wood creation to jam the bijuu bomb into the susanoo’s face but madara is in the process of deflecting it.) SUCK ON YOUR OWN BALLS!!!!

Madara: Not today ( he bounces the ball back and it explodes into a forest crushing the entire forest.) What pretty sparks.

Hashirama: How nice you can bounce balls What a nice surprise

Madara: always cracking jokes as usually even in battle I see Katon: Great fire of indra ( An enormous fire bull comes from his mouth.) Burn to ashes

Hashirama: Wood style: Mighty oak defense ( His Shinto wood god grows a sword and body armor and hashi is seen inside the wood summon being protected from the fire.)

Madara: hmmm… ( Hashirama emerges from the Wood Shinto god summons head.)

Hashirama: Wood style: Fern barrage ( The Shinto god summon uses part of the wood dragon’s wood to form two swords and begins to attack Madara’s susanoo.)

Madara: not so easy now ( The susanoo strikes back and in a flurry of strikes the two pelt each other with a barrage of power strikes their two beast duke it out in an intense fight while…..)

Kurama: RAWR

• Kurama and the wood dragons are seen in an intense battle as the Kyuubi’s chakra is constantly being drained. Madara sees the Kyuubi struggling and clads the nine tails in an armor of susanoo. With this new armor the nine tails howls out dark energy and stuns the wood dragon and eventually bites into the wood dragon the chakra stolen from the kyuubi returns and he is seen next to madara the Kyuubi lashes at Hashirama*

Hashirama: That was good for warm up Hey Maddy when are you going to take your training wheels off?

Madara: The same time you get off the rag.

Hashirama: How sweet you think I’m pretty enough to be a lady. (The nine tails attacks Hashirama and his Shinto god summon grabs The nine tails by the head and lifts him up and then power bombs the Kyuubi sending thousands of shockwaves everywhere.) BOOM!!! Haha how was that ma….. ( Madara is nowhere to be seen.) Where did he?

Madara: SURPRISE TREE HUGGER!!! ( Hashirama is seen with a susanoo sword impaling him from behind.) I WIN I WIN I WI….. ( The stabbed Hashirama begins to chuckle whole heartedly at madara) WHATS SO FUNNY?!?!?!

Hashirama: Bye ( Hashirama turns into wood and his Shinto god summon is shown holding down the kyuubi they are in a tense battle.) Lets allow our pets to play while we get serious shall we?

Madara: With pleasure Final susanoo …… NOT DONE YET FIXTATE ( PERFECT SUSANOO) No one who sees this technique lives prepare to fall Hashirama what could you possibly do against A god

Hashirama : Your right its almost as big as your ego but perhaps this Wood creation: Buddha ( A giant Wood summon just as big as Perfect susanoo with hashirama’s face six arms and four legs appears.) Lets get started

Madara: This is what I live for the thrill of the kill, the power, the struggle , the conquest, Finding a worthy opponent.)

Hashirama: Well then .. ( Kyuubi is seen being tossed thrown at madara’s legs and The Shinto summon is shown next to Hashirama.) Lets Rock!!!!

Madara: With Gusto !!!!!

• the scene is at stated we see two colossial beast ready to charge at each other while next to their feet we see Kyuubi and the Shinto god summon ready for battle.*

Next chapter : A moment of regret.

Tell me how you like this Yeah umm.... there is no uhh... vote so just tell me if you want more.
Back to the battle
Hashirama gave Sasuke his anwser.
Sasuke : Madara Uchiha ............are we so much alike?
Hashirama : You do remind of him uhhhh sort of hahahahahahahaha.
Tobirama : Hashirama..............this is serious.

Sasuke : I want to Madara , if we are truly alike then i must see.
Orochimaru: why?
Sasuke : Because Madara has walked the path i have .... a path of darkness
and if i see him i will see the man that i could become. and then i will decide.

Tobirama( What a fool talking to Madara will only get this boy killed )
Hashirama : So what do you want to do now?
Sasuke : Go to the battle.
Orochimaru : It will take days to travel.
Tobirama : No i will use my space-time ninjutsu to go their.
Hashirama : but that only works for you..............
Tobirama : I don't care
Hashirama : -_-

Minato : Shodaime i can take you to the battle field the strong chakra you
just felt. was the Jinchuriki of the kyuubi. I sealed it within him and
i used my space time marking in the tentragram seal. we could go their instantly..

Hasirama : Perfect!!!!!!! that's even better than what my brother was planning!!!!!!

Everybody went to Minato : alright let's go!!

On the battlefield

Hashirama : No way!!!!!!!!! who is that kid facing Madara !!!!!!!
Tobirama : The will fire still lives on
Hiruzen : Indeed
Minato : Naruto ....... i knew you could do it.

Naruto : Tailed beast bomb!!!!!
Madara : Return of the Uchiha!!!
Naruto : damn it bounced back!!!!

Madara : Wood style : Multiple wood Dragons!!!
Naruto : Wind style : Multiple Rasenshuriken!!!

Madara : Now you are done YASAKA MAGATAMA
Madara was caught by the attack
Minato : Space-time Barrier
The magatama's were caught in a different dimension

Madara : Hashirama ........... still escaped dead have you......
Hasirama : still causing trouble are you
Madara broke the wood with his Susanoo.

Madara : This will be entertaining....FIRE STYLE GREAT FIRE ANILATION!!

Madara : Tobirama long time no see.
Tobirama : Even in death you Uchiha won't stop.

Obito : You are going to need reinforcements.
Madara : maybe
Madara( when i make myself the ten-tails jinchuriki not even Hashirama will be
able to stop me )

Minato : Obito!!!!! are you working with Madara?????
Obito : Sensei.... no minato , i have no reason to answer you

Naruto : Dad
Minato : Naruto ...... you did well i am proud of you . But i never thought i
would have brought this much trouble on you. we will help

Hashirama : I will stop you Madara
Naruto : No i will do it.
Hashirama : Why kid you are to young to face this man.
Naruto : Because i have a dream and Madara won't take it from me
Hashirama : and what is that?
Naruto : To become Hokage and surpassed those who came before, if i let you
do this how can i ever hope to become a one and i swore.... i would protect my
friends... and i let one down. but he believed in me that's i why i have to do this
so i can stay true to who i am.

Hashirama :............... the will of fire burns strong in you......then go
Naruto : Kurama let's go!!!
Kurarma : Yeah!!

Madara : The ten-tails is almost done.

Next 622 : Evil Sage of Six Paths Unleashed
Madara standing on top of the kyuubi, holding his Gunbai clearly worn out panting stares down an equally worn down Hashirama on top of his Wood Dragon panting.....they then charge at each other
The scene changes to Hashirama sitting face leaned into one of his palms, eyes closed smiling

Hashirama- He was always so fierce

Orochimaru- *thinking* i have to wait for the right opportunity to try and gain control of his movements, but he seems impossible to read...it seems he wants to stay for now, i need to be patient.

Hiruzen- Hashirama-sama ! we have no time, please do what you need so that we may leave

Tobirama- Saru is right Hashi, if you must, then get this over quickly so we can go take care of things

Hashirama sighs as he sits up right, this time both hands resting on each knee...he closes his eyes again and says

Hashirama This world is always fighting, it was the same back then. Although it was a lot worse than before the village system.

SasukeI was told.

Hashirama opens his eyes, and tilts his head at Sasuke in a confused look

HashiramaYou was told?

SasukeNations competed with each other for more land and power, and this relentless pursuit they hired clans to fight on their behalf in order to make those gains

Hashirama makes a more resentful face and looks slightly downwards

Sasuke From this developed the rivalry between the Uchiha and Senju ...right?

Tobirama struggles to, but turns his head to face Sasuke

Tobiramahmph, what would you know abou-

Hashirama smiling and waving his hands says

HashiramaNow, now, Tobirama, let me explain this to young Sasuke....It's true before the village system, everything was very chaotic and dangerous

we ninja were viewed as nothing more than mercenaries who lived and profited from a constant state of war.

Sadly in many cases this was true.

Many clans fed off this cycle of war, and even instigated atrocities between feuding nations, to offer their services.

Hashirama Shakes his head

Orochimaru So the two outstanding clans in that sea of fighting were bound to float together sooner or later, Power attracts Power isn't that right Shodaime-sama, as well as envy

Hiruzen tsk

Hashirama No that is wrong

Orochimaru stops smiling

Hashirama begins to smile and wag his finger at Orochimaru

Hashirama although it's true we definitely did take notice of the Uchiha, and they also acknowledged us.

Sasuke Where did the hatred between the two begin

Hashiramathere was never any personal animosity between the Senju and the Uchiha

Just a misunderstanding, as my brother explained we both cherished the same thing



Suigetsu*thinking* the 1st is an absolute goofball, but still terrifying, Konoha shinobi are all insane!

Hashirama As we Senju sought to spread Love and that way of life, the Uchiha sought to protect their Love and their way of life.

When you bring those together

To protect those whom you love and spread that value, that became both our ninja way and helped us create a new definition of a shinobi

Hiruzen stares at the 1st arms folded, Minato smiles while looking at the 1st

Minato*thinking* Shodaime-sama..

Hashirama However, as i said these were troubling times, and more often than not nations would hire the strongest clans to defend them

Eventually as Orochimaru said, the Senju would meet the Uchiha


In a grassland battlefield, we see the with the landscape damaged from fighting, two shinobi stand infront of each other

Shinobi 1- To make it this far against us, you are indeed powerful.

Shinobi 2- .........

ShinobiFrom your fighting style and those eyes , you must be Uchiha Madara....right?

Madara that's correct, and you are the faamous Hashirama of the senju clan, right?

Hashirama cracks a smile

HashiramaI am honoured that you have heard of me

Madara clutches his Gunbai and points it at Hashirama

Madara Come at me with everything you have
621- 623 : The legendary battle
Madara Uchiha vs Hashirama Senjuu, finally this battle is revealed !

Sasuke(suprised): What your battle have common with my question about shinobi ?

Hashirama(sitting down on ground with smile): Oh..., you know. I would really like to tell story of my past...

Orochimaru: ...

Tobirama(look at Hashirama dissapointed): sigh

Hashirama(exchange look with Tobirama, then turns his head back to Sasuke): Anyway, let's hurry up with it

Sasuke: ok

Hashirama(raise his hands as he does few handseals): Genjutsu: Memory insight !

Everyone(Except four Hokages): ?!

Suddenly Uchiha room begin to flash as it changes to pre Hashirama and Madara battle's Valley of End. Everyone seems suprised as they look around excluding Hashirama, who take few step forwards as he changes his attidute with goofy to serious and sad at the samte time. Hashirama begin to speak as he pull attention of everyone.

Hashirama(serious and sad): This is about to begin..., Our battle...

Minato, Hiruzen: This is ! *He transfered as to his past !*

Orochimaru: !

Sasuke: !

Tobirama: !

Hiruzen and Minato look around themselves as they can't recognize this place, Sasuke , Orochimaru seems confused while Juugo and Susigetsu look on. First Hokage turns his head to them as he speaks, while First Hokage speech last, everyone look at yourselves with confusion except Hokages as they look as Chakra ghosts.

Hashirama: Don't worry guys, I transfered all of you to past, to show you what really happened.

Minato, Hiruzen: so where are we now ?!

Orochimaru: we are just chakra ghosts, so it simple genjutsu which can show us what happened without involving us, is that true ?

Tobirama: Although, you are smart for bastard, who use my jutsu...

Hashirama: We are in Valley of End, when I and Madara fought...

Everyone(except Tobirama and Hashirama): ?!

Minato: It have changed a lot then...

Hiruzen: indeed...

Sasuke: I see (looks around as he spot man): Madara !

Tobirama(spot his older brother but as real body): Hashirama !

In front of them, 20 meters away from each other stand Young Madara Uchiha and Young Hashirama Senjuu.
Madara's and Hashirama's hair are moved by small blows of winds as they keep calm posture. There is grass around of them with little tree around with river flowing in center point between of them.

Hashirama(try to convince Madara): Madara..., it didn't have to end us fighting each other, please rethink this idea once again

Madara(anger): Hashirama, stop talking nonsense. We were never friends and never could be, our alliance was only temporary. After I lost my borther you decided to create alliance, you feared my power simply, Face it

Hashirama(sympathetic): Madara..., I know you lost you little brother and I know you blame yourself for it, because Uchiha clan couldn't follow blind leader. I am sorry but still Konoha, village we both created that where you could find your family..., we are shinobi, Uchiha or Senjuu or any other clan has nothing to do with it.

Madara(calm): You are really strong but fool Hashirama, Senjuu and Uchiha are like water and fire. They would never be friends. Besides you was choosen as Hokage, Hashirama Senjuu because they think you are stronger than me..., let me show how wrong they are.

Hashirama(sad and dissapointed): You really fell in darkness, my friend.... I failed it seems, we could be both leaders of Konoha but I know you could not accept this offer.

Madara(serious): Enough of Talking, let's settle this in battle

Hashirama(become serious as one tear drop on ground ): so it really have to come to this...

Suddenly area around Hashirama and Madara is filled with powerfull chakra comming from Madara and Hashirama as well. Air begin to be heavy as Sasuke watches with Sharingan activated with mouth slightly opened at amount of chakra floating in air. Juugo is speechles, Suigetsu has shivers, Orochimaru looks courious, Minato looks with interest, Hiruzen and Tobirama are concerned, while Hashirama looks on himself(from past) against Madara.

Sasuke: *Impossible, amount of chakra they emit is beyond any scale*

Sasuke: *but Hashirama is not even moved by it* (Madara is looking little sweat , while hashirama is unmoved by amount of chakra)

Suigetsu(shiver): they are monsters !

Orochimaru(lick his face with tongue): What a power * I will finally see Madara and Hashirama powers..., delicious*

Minato: This battle is gonna be tough

Hiruzen: that power is just unreal...

Tobirama: *I can watches this battle second time*

Hashirama(smiles): This is just warm up..., watch carefully

Speeches of our characters are stopped, as cracks appear on ground beneath Madara and Hashirama feet, expanding in all directions. Blows of winds make stronger with each second passed, as Madara exchange deathly glare with Hashirama. Suddenly they tooke off their feet from ground as they charge at each other with amazing speed, leaving only dust comming from beneath their feet.

Madara swings his war fan with his right hand at Hashirama from above, but Hashirama notices this blocking war fan with his big sword. Madara then try to cut hashirama head with his scythe in his left hand, swing it at Hashirama, who notices this and make fast dodge by lowering his head, then Hashirama make fast swirl around send Madara kick to stomach, which is blocked by Madara war fan. Impact of clash push them away from themselves as they restore their stances fast.

Hashirama: great try Madara, but it doesn't work

Madara: Let's see what you say now !

As Madara restore balance under feet after stopping pushing force, he unleash rain of shurikens and kunai at Hashirama, summoning them from one of his scroll, Hashirama counter it with his own rain of shurikens and kunai. Madara then stops as he make few handseals with great speed, then he breaths huge fire ball comming at Hashirama, Hashirama notices it then does few handseals himself as he hit ground cause to shot huge stream of water from river flowing in between fo them. Huge amount of water collide with huge fire ball, canceling each other as huge dust cloud is floating created from imapct. Madara uses this dust covering battlefield as suprise attack, he activate his three tomoe sharingan while jumping in air as he spot Hashirama, then throws few shuriken with explosive notes as he take deep breath uleashing huge stream of fire comming at Hashirama. Hashirama closes his eyes as he sense stream of fire incomming then he does few handseals as he hit ground with his both fists creating cause to rise wall of earth from ground, which protect him from huge stream of fire. Suddenly Hashirama watch explosion, destroying his earth wall spliting it in many rocks flying at Hashirama. Hashirama clap his both hands as roots are sprouting from ground , catching many rocks.

Madara: ?!

Hashirama: now my turn !

As cloud of dust fade away, showing Madara while jump, Hashirama uses roots keeping rocks to throw these rocks at Madara who is still in middle of jump. Madara watches with suprise at incomming rain of rocks, thanks to his three tomoe sharingan he barerly avoid most of rocks in time, with blocking rest with his war fan. As Madara fall down on ground while he avoid incomming rocks at him, Hashirama does few handseals, cause many swirling streams of water comming at Madara from below. Madara is hit with with these streams of water, while he is unable to blocks or counter them in time. Swirling stream of water hitting him, cause him to fall faster on ground as he is pushed by water pressure. Hashirama does few hand seals, and when Madara land on his feet, earth spikes rising from ground are comming at him , But dashes back a few inches then stop as he swings his war fan at Earth spikes using Uchiha gaenshi, creating schockwave, which destroy incomming earth spikes. Hashirama pull off his hands from ground as stand up looking at Madara, covered by water around his red armor.

Madara(recall Hashirama mastery over water and Earth nature): *Amazing, Hashirama is really strong. This water and earth jutsu were dangerous*

Hashirama(recall Madara fire jutsu, gunbai and atitude): *Madara is really the most powerfull shinobi in Uchiha clan, no doubt*

================================================== ====================================
Meanwhile with our characters:

Sasuke(astonished): they have great mastery over nature manipulation. *Madara's fire release, so big and powerfull , and Hashirama earth and water release*

Suigetsu(wide open mouth): this battle is unreal...

Juugo: that is scary...

Orochimaru(astonished): that powers...

Minato(smiles): * Hashirama Senjuu..., you are really strong shinobi*

Hiruzen: *there is no doubt even in my prime I couldn't win against you, maybe match you...*

Tobirama: Earth release on so much scale(pretty impressive), although you water release still is weaker than mine

Hashirama: I know brother, but this was only warm up, now it begin serious battle.

Sasuke: ?!, I have question why Madara didn't use sharingan genjustu on you..., or why did your wood release is so powerfull ?, I fought once guy with wood release, and he wasn't that strong.

Tobirama: Simple, because wood release or any other manipulation aren't something don't make Senjuu clan strong, it's other way. Our powerfull physcial power of our body cause nature manipulation use by us to be that strong. Same with my water release, it is nothing special without my powerfull chakra, our Senjuu chakra make it powerfull.

Hashirama: That true, same with Uchiha, fire release is only that strong when Uchiha uses it, because of Uchiha spiritual power. Anyway Sharingan genjutsu doesn't work for Senjuu..., because we are always one with enviroment around of us.

Sasuke: what do you mean ?

Hashirama: when we are caught in genjutsu even for mere second, then we can sense that something changes around us,so we can simply release from it.

Tobirama: Madara and my rival Izuna Uchiha knew this , that why they never tried to use it against us, as you can see, Madara is not only very powerfull but smart too, but again so is my brother.

Hashirama(suddenly become serious): is is about to start, our battle to death !

Everyone along with Hashirama turn their heads to Madara and Hashirama(real one), who are about to clash.

================================================== ==================================

Madara: Fate of this world will be settled today, same as Sage of six paths younger and older's battle...

Hashirama: Never ending cycle of hate, I wish I could stop this somehow

Madara: I will show you my true power, prepare yourself

Hashirama: I have no choice anyway.

Madara is shown with closes eyes for moment, while Hashirama closes his eyes as well as he does handseals cause roots to sprout from ground as they connect to him from all sides. Blows of winds appear from nowhere are they are much stronger, earth begin to shake, sky become dark slowly, as grass are moved by wind. Sasuke watches them with shiver as he watches changes in Madara and Hashirama bodies.

Finally Madara open his eyes revealing enternal mangenkyou sharingan as Hashirama open his eyes, cause roots to disconnect from Hashirama body and disappear in ground. Hashirama body changes a little color, as it is glowing.


Madara vs Hashirama batte part 2 - comming soon

624 - Ulltimate Senjutsu Senjuu body vs Eternal Mangenkyou sharingan
Light vs Darkness
(Hashirama pushes the tailed beast bomb on susanoo)

Hashirama- why do you do this madara, why attack the village?

Madara- because you senju have done nothing to help us uchiha's, my clan has been brain washed by your stupid "will of fire" speech's that they forgotten who they really are

Hashirama- what do you mean forgotten who they are? the uchiha's are part of the hidden leaf village

Madara- that's what you believe Hashirama because your soft, the uchiha's were born to be the ultimate clan and then your stupid clan show's up and the uchiha's forgot everything

Madara- when i joined this alliance, i only wanted power, power over these weaker people but you have gotten in my way to much Hashirama this will be the end

Hashirama- so this alliance was just to get rid of the senju in the future so that the uchiha clan can take over the hidden leaf?

Madara- my my your smarter then you look Hashirama

Hashirama- i wont let you get away with this, i will for give the uchiha's but not you because they will bring peace in the future for leaf, i know it.

(Madara jumps back and the kyuubi destroys the wood dragon)


(The kyuubi gets a tailed beast bomb ready)

Hashirama- "o shit not another"

(Kyuubi sends the tailed beast bomb at Hashirama)


(TBB is seen being bounced off the dome and Hashirama jumping out)

Hashirama- "gotta make this quick"


(Hashirama puts up hands signs)

Hashirama-Hokage-Style Sixty-Year-Old Technique — Kakuan Entering Society with Bliss-Bringing Hands

Madara- whats this?

(Hashirama places his hand on the kyuubi and suppresses its chakara)

Hashirama- "now i just need to remove the contract of the kyuubi from Madara"

Madara- i have you know (comes from behind)

Hashirama- you wrong madara i got you

(Hashirama grabs Madara and removes the contract from him)

Madara- dame you Hashirama, DAME YOU TO HELL

(kyuubi is cover by the pillars and is completely sealed by Hashirama)

Madara- you may have gotten the kyuubi but i still have this up my sleeve

(Madara pulls out his perfect susanoo)

Hashirama- so i guess this just the beginning of the battle huh, well then lets get this over with

Madara- will see about that Hashirama

(Hashirama pulls out wood god)

(Madara and Hashirama both stare at each other)

end of chapter 621
Valley of the End
Clash! Hashirama vs Madara!

Hashirama: !? this is...
Madara: Perfect Susano!
Hashirama: It's enormous, even bigger than the kyuubi! Madara, the amount of hatred in your heart is shown clearly to me now...
Madara: You know nothing about my hatred, you who has everything will never know despair.
Hashirama: Why!? It doesn't have to come to this. There's still time to turn back Madara!
Madara: Impossible. Even if I stopped, I would be targeted every night for assassination, I wouldn't be surprised if it would be your coward brother.

Hashirama: Don't talk as if he's a nobody, he's my brother dammit!
Madara: And a coward who uses the Uchiha like dogs.
Hashirama: That's not t--
Madara: It's one hundred percent true! You, my closest friend, betrayed me!
Hashirama: !!?
Madara: If someone as close as you would do it, why wouldn't the world!
Madara takes out his sword from perfect susano
Hashirama: *Shit, I can't dodge*
Madara swings and destroys the wood dragon
Hashirama's body is shown ripped in pieces
Madara: .... I'm not satisfied yet friend.
The 9 tails starts charging up it's bijuu-dama aiming at the body pieces
Suddenly the 9 tails collapses
Madara: !? What?
Madara: !!!?
Madara's eyes start to shut
Hashirama comes out the ground like a tree
Madara: I..see.. a wood clone......but ..when?
Hashirama: When you gazed your eyes on my seals for the wood dragon, that gave me the opportunity to slip into the ground. You let your guard down.
Madara's perfect Susano fades and he slams on the ground near Hashirama
Madara: Then why....am I sleepy....
Hashirama: The clone you destroyed was my flower clone, it released a chemical in the air, putting you and the 9 tails to sleep. It's over.
Madara: ...ha.....good to know. Thanks.
Madara bursts into flames
Hashirama: A fire clone!?
Madara comes out of the kyuubi's mouth

Hashirama: !? How did you..
Madara's eyes are bleeding
Hashirama: No way! You used that?
Madara: Of course, it's my signature move after all.
Hashirama: Dammit...*No matter what I do...he always manages to pull off his backtrack jutsu...I can't....no..I have to.*
Madara: I will defeat you.
Madara reforms Perfect Susano
Hashirama: I won't allow it.
Hashirama starts to create flower world
Hashirama: And...we continued to fight for the next few days...that is..until he ran out of chakra.
Sasuke: And you killed you, right?
Hashirama: No, I didn't.
Minato and Hiruzen: !?
Tobirama: !? What?
Hashirama: Allow me to explain.
Madara impaled with swords
Hashirama on his knees with a bloody face in front of Madara
Madara: I...can't believe it....you ....
Hashirama: This entire time...I was stalling....to figure out a way....to get passed your backtrack....
Madara: How....my eyes allow me to rewind any situation at my will....explain...
Hashirama: Genjutsu.
Madara: !?? Bullshit, no one can use genjutsu on me... not even Izuna...
Hashirama: It's true...I used a secret jutsu known only to my wife...it allows me to channel illusion waves into my pollen, I made you think you re-winded an event that resulted in your death, when in reality you did no such thing...
Madara: A senju...to best me in genjutsu.....unheard
Madara: Just...finish me....like a dog.
Hashirama grabs Madara by the arm and starts healing him
Madara: !? What? Why?
Hashirama: Because that's what shinobi do to other shinobi of the leaf.
Madara: !
Hashirama: You are not a dog....my rank may be higher, but to me everyone in the leaf are equals and should be treated no differently than others...
Madara puts his hand on Hashirama shoulder
Madara clenches it
Hashirama: What are you...
Marara rips a sword out of his chest and tries to impale Hashirama, but as he does that he freezes and collapses from the amount of blood loss
Hashirama: Disappointing....maybe I should keep you here..I won't kill you...but I won't save you.
Hashirama walks away
End panel shows Madara licking the blood of Hashirama from his hand with sinister eyes
MADARA vs HASHIRAMA by ahhimane
HASHIRAMA : [Mokuton : Mokujin no jutsu(Wood Element : Living Wooden Soul)] (call it as "jin")
(The jin hurls back the TBB towards kyuubi with bare hand)
(Madara activates his four handed susano'o and blocks the TBB with its swords)
(The TBB is forced into susano'o sword)
(The sword is about to crack)
MADARA : ?!!
(The other two hands of susano'o grabs the arm of the jin and tries to lower it. But the jin is strong enough to budge)
MADARA : Argh!!! (turns) (the EMS glows a little)
HASHIRAMA : ?!! (holds a seal)
(Kyuubi breaks the arm of the jin and is caught by the wood dragon)
MADARA : (widens eyes) [Now!!] (susano'o moves ahead)
(Susano'o grabs the broken arm of jin holding the TBB)
(And thrusts it in jin's chest)
(The bomb goes on destroying jin's body and in the middle is blocked by jin's left arm)
(Hashirama holds his hand together tightly)
(A forcibly piercing sound is heard like something tearing apart)
(Madara pierces the cracked susano'o sword right through jin's head)
(Breaks the sword at the crack and cut off jin's head with another sword)
MADARA : (fiercely) I already told you, Hashirama!! I'll separate out the Uchihas from the village.
(Kyuubi holds jin's body as well as the wood dragon with its tails and shreds them into pieces and hurls them in the air)
--In a moment--
--(Madara deactivates Susano'o)
--(Lands on Kyuubi)
--(Kyuubi leaps back and then skid against the forest away from Hashirama)
--(The trees get rooted out)
--(The dust scatters)
--(Cold wind blows)
(The moon is full.... shining coldly witnessing the ferocious battle)
HASHIRAMA : (panting) Why...
MADARA : (panting) .....
HASHIRAMA : Why....why do you want them separated out?
MADARA : That's none of your business!!
(takes a deep breath)
(makes handsigns)
HASHIRAMA : (notices the blurry view of the hand seal through the dust) ?!!
MADARA : [Fire Style : Great Fireball of Destruction!!!]
(The huge fireball burns out everything in its way and moves faster as it progress due to the flowing wind)
(Hashirama weaves handsigns)
MADARA : (while blowing the jutsu) ?!! (stops) That will not help you. I know your weakness. Tobirama is lot better than you.
HASHIRAMA : Tsk. [Water Style : Giant Wall of Water!!]
(The water from the lake at the valley of end rushes out staggeringly in between the way of fireball creating a wall)
(The fireball jutsu steams out the wall and blasts)
(The hot steam blows through the surrounding and Hashirama gets caught in it)
MADARA : Hmm. (smirks)
KYUUBI : Grrrr. (roars while whipping its tails)
(Hashirama is shown with hot spots on his body)
MADARA : (Sharingan swirls) ?!! You mastered it.
HASHIRAMA : Yeah. (scratches his head foolishly)
(The wounded skin is shown healing rapidly)
MADARA : (clenches his teeth) (removes his fan)
HASHIRAMA : What were you doing in the village at this time? You abandoned the village, the Uchihas, then what was your business?
MADARA : I don't need to answer you.
HASHIRAMA : I do need. I'm the Hokage of this village. And the people of this village are my concern. Even the Uchihas.
MADARA : Tsk. It was me, the Uchihas voted for the Hokage's post..... And...and you changed their minds against me!!!
(shows a handseal)
(Kyuubi roars violently and rushes towards Hashirama along with Madara)
HASHIRAMA : [Wood Release : Birth of the Dense Woodland!!]
(The rapidly growing trees clashes with Kyuubi)
(The Kyuubi tries to dodge the attacks and makes its way through)
HASHIRAMA : (hooks up the sword he was holding) (slams his hand on the wood with a single handed seal)
(Madara leaps with an attempt to attack Hashirama)
(Several spikes emerges out of the trees attacking the Kyuubi whips towards Madara to slow down)
(Madara cuts through the attacking trees and lands on the one of the tree and dashes towards Hashirama with high speed)
HASHIRAMA : [Did he started using his EMS?]
(Madara moves with flicker)
(Kyuubi is caged by the trees and is trying to free himself)
(Madara flickers surrounding Hashirama and punches him twice and thrice in his gut)
HASHIRAMA : Arghhh!! It.. It was because of your attitude they chose the village and me.
MADARA : (punches another from the blind spot) Not a good excuse. (And is attacked by a spike emerging from Hashirama's arm but Madara fades again harmless)
HASHIRAMA : Sh*t. (clenches his hands together and closes his eyes)
(Madara attempts another shots with flickers and is about to hit)
(Several spikes emerges out of Hashirama's body to protect himself from the attacks)
(Madara is wounded by one of the spikes)
MADARA : Arghhh....
(Blood spills out of Madara's arm tearing his skin as his punch gets countered by Hashirama's spikes)
HASHIRAMA : [Now...!!] (extends the wood from his arm and catches Madara)
MADARA : ?!!
HASHIRAMA : ?!!! (widens his eye and turns)
(Kyuubi is about to release TBB)
(Hashirama swings Madara and throws away high in the air)
(Madara is thrown and is crashed into a rubble of rock)
(Kyuubi releases the TBB)
(The TBB is rushing towards the village destroying everything in its path)
HASHIRAMA : What the hell are you up to?!! (running on a growing tree towards the TBB) Wood Style : The Helping Hand!!
(Rapidly huge wooden hand is created out from Hashirama's right hand rushing to grab the TBB)
(Hashirama tries hard to down the TBB's speed with the wooden hand)
(Blood spills out of his right arm which is tearing apart by the Susano'o sword)
(Susano'o cuts Hashirama's arm leaving him single handed)
(The TBB is still rushing towards the village)
(The wooden arm after losing the grip gets thrown away by the impact from both the sides)
MADARA : (standing inside Susano'o) This is what I want. (looks at the falling arm of Hashirama) (suddenly points out the village) I want the Uchihas to be dead. I came to annihilate them for not supporting their leader. And looks its done.(laughs madly)
(A huge wave of water forces the TBB to change its path and is blasted off in an open area)
MADARA : ?!! Damn that Tobirama.
HASHIRAMA : Everyone.... holds the Will of Fire.... unlike you. (Blood is dripping from his arm)
(The unbearable pain is reduced due to his fast healing ability)
(Hashirama slams his hand on the ground)
HASHIRAMA : [Wood Release : Flower Tree World!!!]
(A giant forest is created grabbing Kyuubi in its place and holds the legs of Susano'o and make it fall)
(A huge flower appears in the middle sprouting out the pollens from it in a wide region)
(The Kyuubi inhales it in a large amount but is ineffective)
(After falling down, Madara inhales the pollens and is losing consciousness)
HASHIRAMA : This is it!! (makes handseal with his one hand)
(A seal surfaces on to his palm of his hand)
(Hashirama leaps to grab Madara, puts the seal on him and breaks the contract with the Kyuubi)
(Hashirama gives a whirling kick into Madara's gut)
(The kick helps Madara to bring him back to senses)
(Madara rolls in air and lands on a rock)
(Hashirama is panting)
(Hashirama leaps back towards Kyuubi and reverse summons it near the village)
(Madara rushes to Hashirama and involes him in a Taijutsu fight)
MADARA : You made a big mistake (punches Hashirama on his face from right) ...by sending the Kyuubi near the village.
(Hashirama fights with his left arm only against Madara.)
HASHIRAMA : (blocking Madara's punch) I don't need to care. Mito and Tobirama will handle it.(kicks straight up on Madara's chin)
(Madara spits out blood as he gets the kick)
(Madara uses his fan to attack Hashirama)
(Hashirama dodges it and jumps back several times and lands near his sword)
(Pulls it out and rushes to Madara)
(The swords clashes once again)
(Both the swordsmen shows their skills)
(But Madara blocks Hashirama's sword and makes him defenseless)
(The sword is thrown away)
(Madara makes several danger fatal attacks on Hashirama)
(Hashirama now dodges every attack of Madara's fan)
(Hashirama leaps back away from Madara)
(Madara tries to avoid every single moment for Hashirama to rest)
(Hashirama makes a seal with his left hand)
(Several wooden branches came out of his left side of his back, shoulder and arm)
(Hashirama keeps distance from Madara)
(Reaches near his scroll and opens it)
(Slams his leg on the seal in the scroll)
(Several swords emerge out of the seal and is handled by every branch of wood emerged out of his left part of the body)
(Seven swords attacks Madara)
MADARA : ?!!
HASHIRAMA : You have crossed your limits, Madara. I can't let you live anymore.
(In the crossfire Madara is badly wounded)
MADARA : Aaaa?!! (coughs out blood)
(Two swords pierce right through in the chest)
HASHIRAMA : (releases the branches from his body and falls on his knees) (coughs) (holds his mouth with his left hand)
(Blood is coughed out)
(Tries to get up on his legs with the help of the sword)
(Throws away the sword)
(Walks towards the scroll)
(rolls it over and holds it)
(Turn back to watch Madara in the pool of blood)
HASHIRAMA : In the end....I couldn't bring myself to kill you. But eventually you'll die.
(Walks away)
وَ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

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