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Posted by : a January 25, 2013

بِسْــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

kakashi:obito listen in that dream world that won't be the real rin your seeing
kakashi:Rin is gone she is not coming back! your only searing the memory of her that you have left
obito:your right kakashi
Naruto:Then join us
Cloud ninja 1: We can't just let him join how can we trust him he is a criminal(most of the alliance agree with him)
(Naruto reaches his hand towards obito)
(Madara has this intent to kill its felt all over the battlefield)
madara:obito if you betray me i will not deal with you loosely tell me whose side are you on
(The whole battlefield is silent as they wait for obitos answer)
Obito: Madara I will perform Rinne Tensei for you
Naruto:what does he mean
kakashi:they are trying to revive Madara but why would that be neccasary
kurama:naruto switch with me
Kurama:listen everyone
Alliance: the nine tails?
Kurama:if obito is able to perform rinne tensei on Madara the juubi will go through his final transformation and even with me and the eight tails we are no match for him
(Alliance is shown to be in chaos as they listen to the news)
Naruto:wait if you perform Rinne tensei doesn't the user
Kakashi:(barely able to get the words out)
kakashi:die.....Obito will exchange his life for Madara
Kakashi:but why can't he be a jinchurikii now
Kurama:you have to be a living person in order to become a jinrchuriki
Madara:it seems the nine tails isn't as dumb as he looks
Madara:Obito are you ready
The scene switches to taka and orochimaru
orochimaru:were here(orochimaru smiles then licks his lips)
(sasuke gives orochimaru a shock look on his face but then smiles)
suigetsu:this is....
Sasuke:(laughs)orochimaru you snake
short prediction hope you enjoy!
NARUTO : That is where you and I differ....I'll never sever the bonds I've made...And I hope no one would sever the bonds they've made with me...
SASUKE : (the four man team standing infront of a place) Is this the place?
=>(What is this place Sasuke staring at?)<= MANGA 618 : THE PLACE (The moon light falls on the ruined buildings from the Pain's attack.) OROCHIMARU : Yes this is the place, Sasuke. After all... (Suigetsu stares at the ruined place hearing what the snake hissing in the ear) (Juugo and Sasuke remain unmoved) OROCHIMARU : ...this is your birthplace, isn't it? It seems they don't bother to reconstruct this. SUIGETSU/JUUGO : ...... SASUKE : (filled with same flashbacks of the day of the Uchiha massacre - from going to academy till Itachi's tears rolling down while leaving Sasuke helpless)..... (looks at a wall with cracks on which the Uchiha fan symbol is present and suddenly rock falls taking away half the symbol with it.) (The sound of every hit of the fallen stone on the pile of rocks is clearly echo-ed in Sasuke's ears as it falls on the ground until the surrounding turns silent again) (Most of Orochimaru's words falls on his deaf ears.) SUIGETSU : You mean, this is where Sasuke lived? OROCHIMARU : Hmm. SUIGETSU : But the whole place is ruined, what are we going to get here? SASUKE : Lets go ahead. SUIGETSU : (looks at others angrily) [I wonder, what lies ahead in these ruins.] (Everyone goes deep in) (As they are away, a white snake sneaks out from the hole in the cracked wall of the Uchiha symbol where it had made its home) ----------SCENE CHANGE---------- (A shadow is seen running in the dim light of the street lights) ???? : [What the hell? I really sensed that bastard here. Maybe I am wrong. How can he be here.] (Some voices of the shinobis are heard by the person and the person stops waiting for them to leave) SHINOBI 1 : I wonder what must be going out there. I really wanted to fight..... and die as a hero. SHINOBI 2 : Hehehe.... Your hopes are too high. Don't push your luck. SHINOBI 1 : I guess. Well have a good night. Its too late for my duty. I have been ordered to patrol at the Main gate. SHINOBI 2 : You must hurry then. (Both the Shinobis leave) KARIN : I'll have to leave the village soon. These Konoha dogs will be searching for me soon. (She reaches near the Main gate without being noticed and hiding for an opening to leave the village) KARIN : [...I'll just make out of the villa-?!!! (turns around) What is that chakra I just felt? All of them are here in the village? And that other chakra? (her hand shivers as she adjusts her glasses)... Orochimaru.] ----------SCENE CHANGE---------- OBITO : You are still mumbling those petty words. KAKASHI : It was you who made me the way I am and what Naruto is till this day. OBITO : ..... MADARA : (regenarating) Its amazing about the Kyuubi's chakra, isn't it? NARUTO : What would most amaze me, will be that smirk on your face getting vanished along with your borrowed body. MADARA : Are you enthusiastic? You can try. KAKASHI : Don't get mocked by him Naruto. NARUTO : He can try whatever he want Sensei. His arrogance will kick his ass. OBITO : They are on the Juubi. We must deal with them. MADARA : You take care of that one eyed once friend of yours. Its perfect for me. I'l handle them all. OBITO : Are you sure? MADARA : I'm still immortal. (makes a handseal) Tajuuu Mokuton Bunshin no Jutsu!!! (Several wooden clones emerges out of the Juubi even among the Shinobis standing around.) SHINOBIS : ?!!! MADARA : It's still not enough to defeat me!! (Random clones goes in Susano'o while some uses their Rinnegan) MADARA CLONES : Katon:Goukamekkyaku!! (Fire Style : Great Fireball of Destruction!!) (releases a huge wall of fire through the forces) MADARA CLONES : Bansho Tennin!! (attracts the fireball with great speed so as to reduce the time of counterattack) MADARA CLONES : Shinra Tensei!! (repels the shinobis towards the fireball) (A huge explosion occurs over the Juubi's head) (Obito dashes towards Kakashi to stab him with a wooden branch) KAKASHI : (activates Raikiri and dashes forward) Raikiri!! (As they both approaches near, Obito phases through him and slams his hand on the ground) KAKASHI : ?!! (Suddenly Kakashi and several shinobis nearby are pierced by a bunch of wooden spikes emerging out of the Juubi) (Kakashi poofs away) OBITO : A clone? (turns back) (Kakashi leaps back and dashes through the smoke of the destroyed clone devastating the bunch and thrusting the Raikiri into Obito but again phases through the attack and then Obito leaps back and attacks with Taijutsu) (Both of them attempts a series of Taijutsu techniques) (The smoke from the explosion clears out and the shinobis are shown covered in a blue sphere) MADARA CLONE : Water Prison Jutsu! Impressive to act quickl- (The clone gets a leaf Hurricane kick from Gai and is smashed into logs of wood) SAKURA : Chaaaaa!! LEE : This is for Neji!!! (Sakura, Lee and Gai moves with destorying the clones nearby with a one hit kill plan) (Some shinobis are using ninjutsus for defense as well as offense) (Kakashi blocks Obito's hand) OBITO : ?!! KAKASHI : You think I let Rin die. But the trut- OBITO : (hits directly on Kakashi's face) Didn't I told you to shut your mouth? KAKASHI : Yeah. But I have to make this clear before one of us die with the burden of the truth or the lie. (Kakashi trying to speak the truth) (Will Obito hear him out?)
The Greatest challenge Shinobi alliance Face off
Shinobi Alliance directly face off Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito !
Uchiha Obito takes battle stance as he glance from one shinobi to another as he is looking around, then he stop his glance at Kakashi as his face expression changed from annoyed to mad while sending death glare to him.

Obito: so you got you courage now, I see (glance from one shinobi to another), all of you became so calm and confident...

Obito(stops his glance at Kakashi): Kakashi..., you have just expierienced this pain, suffering, injustice, admit already that really peace that exist, that why I have to fulfill my Mugen Tsyuokomi plan to create Perfect World, where everyone of us(stretch his both hands extending them in front of Alliance Shinobi) can be happy without suffering or any bad expieriences.

Kakashi(go in thinking state): * Obito..., even if you are right, your Perfect World will be fake. *

Silence occur for few seconds as Obito expect to convince some of the alliance shinobi, but then he realise noone is answering him. While silence last, gust of winds are moving shinobi hairs and lightly touching their faces as their faces expressions are unchanged.

Obito(as he looks down on ground): noone then.....

Obito(serious deep voice): Kakashi, do you share their opinion as well ?

Kakashi(becoming serious, going from quiet speech to louder): Obito..., your Perfect World is fake, not exist. It could be fooling yourselves, where happines and luck simply couldn't exist. We could lost our sense of existence as shinobi...

Naruto(speaking quiet then louder): Yeah, Shinobi have to endure pain..., loss..., suffering.... and even death, that what shinobi is.

Madara(pleased): *Naruto, that nine tails jinchurki really grown up in this battle, and he knows meaning of shinobi word now, heh*

Madara(unpleased): * but Obito ?! *

Obito: So you will not cooperate, huh...

Moment of silence occur again, as Madara looks at Obito with dissapointed look, while Everyone still being calm and don't say anything.

Madara(serious then dissapointed): Enough, Obito !, didn't you seee already !

Some Alliance of shinobi face are shown with schocked expression as they wait for Madara to continue his speech

Everyone of shinobi: ?!

Obito: ?!

Madara: Naruto convinced them, they have courage now which they didn't have before. You can't convince them, give up already !

Obito(looks at Madara for moment then glare at Kakashi then everyone): eh..., so be it

Obito(furious as he raise his head along with his hands as he shout out): Then I am going to force you to accept my plan. If I can't then I will kill you !
I will show you true despair so you understand what I meant soon !

Madara(smirks): finally, we can get to bussines now.

Obito: let's fight then !

Shinobi army is shown with serious look as of them gulp salivia as they raise their hands with kunai with some of others raising their hand and form inintial handseal to launch jutsu. Meanwhile Uchiha Madara looks at them serious as he smirks in last moment, while Obito had mad expression and send them death glare with finally meeting Kakashi eyesight as they exchange their glares. Naruto is powering up as he increase amount of chakra creating breezes of wind changing into gusts of wind comming from then as cracks appear on ground spreading slowly from him, while some of them is moving Madara hairs while he smirks

Madara(smirks): I let you begin, know my mercy

Obito(concerned and schocked): but...

Madara(ignoring Obito ): show me what you got, allied shinobi

Obito is schocked then turns his face to Madara, as we get closure on Madara mouth.

Madara(inner thought): * then, I will show you true despair *

Mifune, Kakashi, Darui, Kitsuchi(step forward inline just before Naruto): now attack !

Alliance Shinobi: HAAAA!!!

Wide fire of Kunai, shurikens, explosive kunai and explosive shurikens are throwing at Madara and Obito along with many fire streams comming from some Shinobi, earth spikes incomming from ground by Shinobi slamming their hands on ground, gusts of wind exhaled by other group of shinobi, waters streams spited out by rest of shinobi with lightining sparks in different forms comming last.

Madara: looks like they understimate me fater all (smirks)

Obito: Yeah ,me too.

All attacks hit where Madara and Obito were in same time, before attacks hit Obito, he goes intangible as he goes underground, phasing through ground.
Madara it hit by Wide fire of Kunai, shurikens, explosive kunai and explosive shurikens, which cause raising dust clouds then earth spikes comming from ground followed by connected water streams with lightining sparks and huge streams of fire increased in size and power by gusts of wind mixed in it as well. As all elementall attacks hit place where Madara was, powerfull explosion occur creating even more dust as well as guts of winds created from impact pushing everyone.

Shinobi of Cloud village: Got them !
Shinobi of Earth village: Yeah !
Shinobi of Sand village: We won !
Shinobi of Mist village: seems to easy...
Shinobi Of Konoha: That is power of our connected will !

Kakashi: * impossible, Could he really ? *

Kakashi: Do you sense them ?

Kakashi looks at Naruto, then turn his face back at place where Madara and Obito were as Naruto nods his head to him

Kakashi(widden his eyes): that is ....

Gai(widden his eyes): this chakra shape...

Evil laughing is heard and fast expanding in air comming from are covered in dust, as every shinobi of alliance looks in disbelief and fear.

??????: hahahahah, is that all you got ?!

Naruto(serious as he sense something): That is Madara's

As dust slowly fall down on ground, chakra shaped monster is barerly visible but as dust slowly fade away, clearing up area. Madara is shown evil laughing in Sussano full skeleton form

Madara: Sussano !

Kakashi: ****, Madara's Sussano... ?! *wait, where is Obito* ?!, Naruto, please give me ninetails cloak too !

Naruto(suprised then extend his hand to Kakashi who clap his hand fast): ?!, as you want Kakashi !

Kakashi(look on his chakra cloak): *what could be your aim Obito.... ?!, Nara Clan, Shikamaru !*

Kakashi(is dissapearing in vortex as he says): Naruto I have to go, take care of rest...

Naruto(smiles to kakashi, then turn his face to Madara being in Sussano Skeleton form): Got it !

Meanwhile Obito is shown phasing through ground, comming from ground behind Shikamaru and other Nara clan members. Shikamaru and rest of Nara clan members are totally shocked as they turn their faces to incomming behind their backs Obito from ground.

Shikamaru(as he turns around): **** !

Nara clan members(as they turn around): NO !

Obito(becoming tangible behind their head): You are finished !

???????: I couldn't be that sure

Obito: ?!

As Obito use Kamui, creating vortex which begin to draw in Shikamaru along with his memebers of clan, another vortex appear behind Obito revaling Kakashi in chakra cloak. As he just appear, Kakashi active fast raikiri then try to pierce Obito aim at his heart.

Kakashi(serious): Obito !

Obito(as he turns around): **** !

Obito cancel Kamui, stopping drawing in Shikamaru and his clansmen in black vortex, then he goes intagible, as Kakashi raikiri almost hit him but as Obito goes ghost mode, Kakashi goes with Raikiri through Obito, landing behind him.

Kakashi(mad): Damn !

Obito(serious, little afraid): It was so close , I was lucky !

Kakashi: But luck will finish at some time

Obito: I am going to show you true power of Kamui !

Kakashi: ?!

Obito open black vortex as he draws in himself then appear some distance away next to Juubi immobilized body, as Kakashi follows him fast appearing before him few seconds latter.

Obito: it is time to finish our battle Kakashi, once for all !

Kakashi: I didn't want to do this, but if I don't have any other choice then I
do what is right !

Meanwhile Madara is protected by Sussano full Skeleton form, as entire Shinobi Alliance looks at him with fear mixed with madness. In the background we can see all shinobi being in chakra cloak, prepearing to battle.

Madara(looks around then smile): So you think that you can win still thanks to Naruto power up given to you all.

Naruto: yeah, it seems you are concerned about it, yeah ?! (smirks)

Madara: let me show you then something...

Naruto !

Naruto looks with confidence on his face, as Madara stay unfazed then smirks for moment while he disactive Sussano then lands on his feet in crater created from Alliance shinobi earlier attack. Madara forms few handseals then use wood release, while smirking, cause many shinobi standing before him to begin pant and sweet.

Madara: Wood Release Secret Technique: Nativity of a World of Trees

Huge amount of branches begin to sprout out from from ground growing in tree catching most of chakra cloaked shinobi, then begin to absorb their's chakra, ground split in many places as cracks appear everywhere.

Madara: Wood release: Multi Wood dragons !

Random Shinobi: that chakra ?!

Random Shinobi 2: what a amount of chakra !

Random Shinobi 3: just spare my life !

Random Shinobi 4: Everyone of us is gonna die !

Madara release great amount of powerfull chakra, as on ground begin cracks, which are spreading in all directions along with strong blows of wind, creating little hurricane, as he finish forming handseals, many woods are comming from Madara forming shape of dragons then comming at entire shinobi alliance.

Naruto(schocked and little concerned): oh ****, no !

Madara: that face expression, I like it much more (smirks)

Obito and Kakashi are shown, standing in front of themselves, as Obito put his hand on Juubi he begin to smile as Juubi chakra begin to flows in Obito forming Juubi chakra cloak around Obito similliar to Kakashi

Obito(Serious): Now I will end you life Kakashi !

Kakashi(serious): bring it on, Obito


619 - True despair
وَ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

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