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Posted by : a October 04, 2012

بِسْــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Naruto Chapter 605 Prediction

Prediction 605: Obito Falls
Start text-Rin killed by...

*Chapter starts where we left off*

Obito: ...

*Kakashi runs off, he doesn't see Obito*

Obito: ...

Spiral Zetsu: You ok?

*Obito runs towards Rin*

Obito: ...Rin.

Rin: ...Ob...ito?

Obito: What happened?!

Rin: Ka...kashi...he's...

Obito: Rin? RIN!!!

*Obito starts to cry, then a close up on his face where he's now got an emotionless look*

Spiral Zetsu: What are you going to do now?

Obito: ...

Spiral Zetsu: She can still be brought, remember?

Obito: !

*Obito recalls White Zetsu's words about Moon Eye Plan*

Obito: ...I can't do that, it wouldn't be right.

Spiral Zetsu: ...Well let's at less go back to Madara's hideout, I can't stay away from Gedo too long, and you wont be able to get very far on your own. Let's go, me and the others will get your spirit up!

Obito: Sprial Zetsu...

Spiral Zetsu: When someone close to you dies, it's always best to seek comfort from someone else, I don't think you'd want to get that comfort from Kakashi, and it's been so long that no one would really remember you too well, but we've spent a long time together, we helped you come this far, we're your friends!

Obito: ...Yah...alright. I'll go back.

Spiral Zetsu: Yay!

*Back at Madara's hideout*

Obito: ...

Madara: So you came back.

Spiral Zetsu: His girlfriend got killed by his bestfriend, was pretty brutal.

Madara: Do you have a better understanding now?

Obito: ?

Madara: This world is just like I've told you, it's hell.

Obito: !

Madara: You can carry out my will, to make this world full of winners, peace, and love. You have a special power within you, one that when awaken, would make you unstoppable. With it, you can carry out Moon Eye Plan and you will get back the one you love.

Obito: Rin...

Madara: Do you blame your friend for what he did?

Obito: ?!

Madara: You shouldn't. This isn't the first time something like this has happened, it's part of what being a Ninja is about, to kill off all your emotions and be nothing but tools. But...is that really possible, can someone truly kill off their emotions? Did your friend seem emotionless when he killed your love interest?

Obito: !!!

*Obito flashbacks to the scene*

Obito: He...he was crying...

Madara: See, you can't kill your emotions, no matter what, Ninja are still human, they will always have emotions, you can't change that.

Obito: ...
Prediction 605 : CHANGE OF WILL
(Scene Shows Kakashi still crying while his Raikiri is still intact on Rin's Chest)

Rin: Kakashi please dont cry, everything will be alright. At least I made my choice at the last minutes of my life.
Im free from this Cursed Ninja World. Lastly im glad to meet you, sensei and to where Im going now (Obito)

Kakashi: Im so sorry!! Its all my fault!! My promise.... i broken my promise to Obito.

Rin: You've done your will, To kill me and save Konoha and by controlling your emotions, your indeed a great jounin.

Kakashi: Please forgive me, also ask for Obito's forgiveness......

**My Prediction on Why Kakashi killed Rin is:
-Rin must be a spy from Iwagakure (Earth Country) (Where Deidara came from)
-Although Rin lately knew that she was from Iwagakure
-One jounin from Iwagakure (maybe her father) explaining that she has an timed explosive jutsu built in her body
-Since there is an ongoing war with the Earth Country (Like the incident ok Kakashi,Rin, Obito vs. Earth Ninjas)
-The Built in Explosive will be triggered by someone to blast off Hokage Minato Together with entire Konoha
-On the Last minute before the Trigger, she explains it to kakashi and taught that lightning jutsu can prevent the explosive when triggered** moving forward

(Scene Shows Obito Landed near kakashi/rin)

Obito: Thinking (Why??? Why??) You bastard!!!!, quickly attacks kakashi!!

Kakashi: Who the Hell are you!!!

Obito: Im the man who will kill you!!!,

(Scene shows handseals for Katon Jutsu)

Kakashi: Katon?!!

(Scene Shows Kakashi activated Sharinggan and making Hand seals)

Kakashi: Katon!!! Fireball Jutsu (this explains his sharinggan copying jutsu)

(Scene Shows huge numbers of Zetsu appears on land canvass)

White Zetsu: Ive told you to stay away from fight, and let me do the talking idiot!!!!

(Scene Shows 10 Zetsus attacking kakashi)

Obito: Ugh!!! my body!!!

(Scene Showing Zetsu armor is somewhat melting)

Obito: Ugh!!! my body is not yet capable of fighting....

(Scene showing Kakashi flew away due to huge number of Zetsu attacking him and plans to go back for Rin's corpse)

(Scene Showing Obito quickly grabs rin's body)

Obito: Ive got to be quick!!! The Mazo of that old hag may save Rin

(Scene shows Obito Talking to Madara)

Madara: I Taught youre not going back you little uchiha!!!

Obito: I want you to save her like what you did to me!!

(Scene shows Madara examining the body of rin from afar where he is sitted near the Gedo Mazo)

Madara: Hashirama Cells is no use to corpse, shes dead already. Im going back to sleep .....

Obito: Damn you!!! I said do anythinh to heal or to save her!!! You are the great Uchiha Madara you can bring her to life again.

Madara: How fool of you commanding what youve said the Great Uchiha!!, Indeed there is one thing to save her from death.

Obito: (Glares) Huh??? So do that to her, (Crying)

Madara: You see kid, that girl is lucky to have you. I will bring her to life but,,.... with my current condition i cant do that forbidden jutsu to bring her to life.

Madara: But I can do that sometime, if you will participate with my mission.

Obito: What mission, Ill do anything for her to lived.

Madara: You will retain my corpse hidden here and...... come on here lets talk.

(Scene shows Madara and Obito finished talking)

Madara: Little Uchiha!! i think its better to give back Rin's Body to Konoha

Obito: What?? Why should I, Shes the only Family I know lately.

Madara: Look to it!, Konoha will search for her body. Worst case, our plan will be ruined if the detect our hideout.


(Scene Shows Obito Finally decided to bring back Rin's Body, he put it where kakashi before was)

Obito: Im alive!! you knew im dead, but im alive!! (Crying) Im alive!!!!!!!!!

Obito: I swore to your grave, Ill repay every debt of kakashi to you,...... to us!!!!!!

(Scene Shows Zetsu recording Obito and Rins body)

(Scene Shows Madara at the hideout)

Madara: Everything is going as to Plan hahahah!!!

Madara: My rebirth will be soon!, and Konoha, no.... The Ninja world will be mine.. Wait for my greates forbidden jutsu where only Uchiha Madara created!!!!! hahahah!!!


***What will be the next move of obito?? What is the forbidden jutsu told by Madara??
Prediction 605 : Why Kakashi?
Chapter starts off with Obito staring in shock

Kakashi looks up in shock and sees Obito: Who are you???

Obito: Looks like my BEST FRIEND can't even remember me!

Kakashi: Obito....?! I thought you were dead???

(Obito looks down at Rin)

Rin: o...bi...to....? at...least... i.... got... to see.... my loved one.... one.... last- *coughs up blood* time....... *dies*


Kakashi: It's not what it looks like Obito! I was controlled!

Obito: (close up on his Mangekyou Sharingan) I will kill you! I will also make you forget this meeting! *activates genjutsu*

Kakashi: GAH *shows Rin getting pierced by Kakashi's Chidori over and over again*

Kakashi (wakes up from the genjutsu in the hospital bed and shoots up): MINATO SENSEI! Where's Rin?! I had this horrible dream she died, I made a promise to Obito I'll protect her with my life!

Minato: You killed her, you were controlled...

Kakashi: NOOOO! *close up on Kakashi's Mangekyou Sharingan on the right crying and Obito's on the left crying*

(Cuts to Obito and Madara)

Obito (through sobs): Old Man... I will help you with your plan, and kill Kakashi!

Madara: You can call me Madara, and I see you have the Kamui Mangekyou Sharingan *shows a hole in the wall*

Obito: You can call me Tobi... Actually, you can call me anything... I have no name, nothing matters anymore

Madara: Alright Tobi now I will reiterate the plan...

Obito:... alright... sensei *close up on his mangekyou sharingan*


Prediction 605 : Broken Promise
Kakashi: ....shit!

Rin: Kakashi....

Rin's body collapses lifelessly onto the damp soil. The tears streaming down from Kakashi's face...

Obito: Kakashi! You bastard!

Spiral Zetsu: Wait. That isn't Kakashi. This is some kind of Suiton Technique that mirrors Kakashi.

Obito: Rin! I'm coming Rin!...

Kakashi: Another one?

Kakashi begins to melt into a puddle of water..

Obito: !!!

Spiral Guy: Behind you!

Obito's armor suddenly protrudes a barrage of spikes to impale the attacking Mist Shinobi from behind.

Mist: Guh! *coughs up blood* This guy... isn't human at all.

The Mist Ninja drops lifelessly onto the damp soil.

The spikes retreats into the armor and Obito goes over towards Rin.

Obito: Rin! What happened?!!!

Rin: your voicee....is that you obit..?

Obito: yes! Where is Kakashi?!!!

Rin: We were seperated by the Hidden Mist technique. There are about 20 jounin along with the Mizukage. We were sent on an B-ranked mission to retrieve a stolen scroll with secrets. However, we were sent in a team of 3. Me, Kakashi and a Hyuuga guy...

Obito: A stupid scroll? Why?

Rin: It contains secret juts *cough* *cough*.. the third wanted it back...

Obito: Where is Minato sensei?

Rin: Minato went to push back the Cloud..

Obito: Rin. I always wanted to tell you.. that. I

Rin smiling

Rin: what?..

Obito: I love you.

Rin: I loved...you.too.Obito.. Rescue Kakashi....

-Scene switches to Kakashi-

Kakashi *summoning jutsu* Pakkun!
Kakashi: We need to find Rin.

Pakkun: Someone is approaching..

Hozuki Jounin: The Sharingan is ours....

Kakashi thinking. Obito promised me to save Rin. I'm not turning back..

- Scene switches to Obito -

Obito: Who the hell ARE YOU!

Mizukage: I am the kage of the hidden mist village. I am going to put an end to this war. That girl there fell victim to my jutsu.

Obito becomes enraged....

Spiral: Your body isn't ready yet.

Obito: I will kill you!

*Obito awakens the third tomoe*

-Scene switches-

*Kakashi awakens the third tomoe*

Kakashi: I can't break this promise!!

- Next time: Obito vs Mizukage!

*note* I haven't done this in like 2 years. I'm a bit rusty.

Prediction 605 - 606 : WHAT HAPPENED THAT DAY.....
(Kakashi pierces chidori into Rin)
Rin : ....Kakashi...
(Kakashi looks at Rin with his left eye)
(Obito looks at the scene with his right eye)
Obito : {Rin!!!}.....
Rin : (coughs blood)...Ka...kashi....?
Obito : Hmmm...?
Rin : What was....I (coughs blood) (blood spills on Kakashi's face)...What was I to you?
Obito : ?!!!
(Kakashi takes his hand out of Rin's chest)
Kakashi : What was I to you?.....(The blood flows down due to water) You were my friend!! But you are not my friend!!
(Rin falls on the ground)
(Kakashi looks around watching the dead mist ninjas including Rin's body, picks up a scroll from a mist ninja and leaves the battlefield)
Rin : Kakas...shi!! (closes her eyes)
(Obito remains stunned at Kakashi's behaviour)
Obito : ?!!! Not a friend?!!! Wha.... what is he talking about? Why did he killed Rin? Why?!!
(Rin makes a slight movement)
Obito : Hmmm?!!!
(Obito gets down near to Rin and holds her in his arms)
Obito : Rin?!!! Rin?!!! Rin?!!! Get up!!! Talk to me Rin!!! Rin!!!! (tears rolls down from his eyes)
(Rin opens her eyes slowly and watches Obito's blur image)
Rin : ?!!! Obi....to?!!
Obito : Yes, Rin talk to me!!!
Rin : Obito.....Is this afterlife?
Obito : No....(tears falls on Rin's face) I'm alive Rin!! I'm alive!! I won't let you die!!!
Rin : Obito..... I'm glad... you're ali......(dies)
Obito : ?!!! Rin!! Rin!! (screams) Rin!!!!!
(Obito remains at his place holding Rin till sun hides behind the mountains)
???? : They must be here!!! search them!!!
Spiral Zetsu(SZ) : ?!!! Obito!!! Obito!!! we must leave now! We are surrounded by mist ninjas!!
Obito : ........
SZ : Obito!!! Get up!! Hurry!!! We will bring her back alive!!
Obito : Alive?!!!
SZ : We will bring her back from the afterlife with Madara's Moon's Eye Plan!
Obito : .....(holds Rin's corpse on his left shoulder) Lets go!!!
???? : Look he is there!!! Attack him!!!
(Obito runs through the forest
Obito : {Rin... I'll bring you back. You just wait and watch} (Remembers Kakashi thrusting chidori in Rin's chest) {Kakashi, you killed Rin!! I'll never forgive you!! You'll pay for this!!} (Remembers Minato) {Minato Sensei, you were never there for us when we were in danger. During my time and not even during Rin's} Ze...
(While jumping from a tree suddenly an explosive kunai hits the tree and explodes)
Obito : Arghh!!!
(Obito's left hand gets a hit and Rin falls on the ground)
Obito : (after getting hit Obito holds his left shoulder with right hand) Rin!!!!! (moves forward towards Rin) ?!!!
(SZ stops Obito)
SZ : We can't save her. Our left arm is destroyed and now I'm also weak.
Obito : But....
SZ : We can't let ourselves get caught!!
(SZ controls over Obito's body and vanishes in deep forest)
(Obito's tears falls back while moving ahead)
Obito : (takes hard breathe)........
SZ : We arrived here again!!!
(lands at the graveyard from where Obito rushed to save Rin and Kakashi)
(jumps down and enters the hideout)
Madara : You are back!!!
(looks at Obito's left arm)
Madara : You injured your real body. What happened to your friends?
Obito : .......
Madara : They died?
(SZ's body uncovers Obito's face)
SZ : He failed to save her.
Madara : .......
Obito : ......She was killed by the one whom she loved most.
Madara : Now you yourself witnessed the truth of this hell. What will you do now? You can still accept my proposal.
Obito : I accept your proposal but not for you. I will make this ninja world pay for their sins..... including Konoha.
Madara : As your wish.
(SZ separates out from Obito's body and Obito falls on the ground)
Madara : Zetsu put him on the bed and do the preparations.
(SZ & WZ connects one of the tube from the Gedo Mazo to Obito's right side of the body)
Madara : Now you take your time to heal yourself. Our destiny is far away.
(During the period of several years, Obito trains harder with Zetsu using Madara's tools)
(Now, Obito is shown with his Mangekyo Sharingan and about 16-17 years of age)
Madara : Where are you going Obito?
(Obito prepares for the Battle)
Obito : The first step of my plan, as you said, Destruction of Leaf!!! With the help of Nine-Tails!!!
Madara : ?!!! Will you able to handle the Nine-Tails? The Nine-Tails is in possession of the Fourth Hokage's wife.
Obito : {Minato Sensei!!!}..... No one can stop me!! Not even the Fourth Hokage!!
(Obito goes to Konoha and the whole incident happens the way we saw in the Manga during Minato vs Tobi)
(After getting hit with the Rasengan and the contract with the Nine-Tails broke)
Obito : You deserve the title of Fourth Hokage... Managing to wound me and wrest the fox from my control in one move. But some day it will be mine again. The fox and this whole world, will bow at my will. Many doors are still left open to me.
Minato : .......
(Obito teleports)
(During Nine-Tails sealing into baby Naruto Obito teleports to the nearby tree)
Obito : {Even the Fourth Hokage couldn't completely stopped the Nine-Tails. The Nine-Tails got a new jinchuuriki. I must get the Nine-Tails.}
Third Hokage : (Before Minato's death and after sealing the Nine-Tails into Naruto) .....I promise you Minato, Kushina. I'll protect Naruto.
Obito : ?!!!! I must go now. I am not in a condition to fight the Third Hokage now.
(Teleports to hideout)
Madara : What happened? You succeed?
Obito : Not yet... but one of the strong obstacle is being removed from the path..... The Fourth Hokage!!
Madara : You can now go and rest.
Obito : The Fourth recognised me as Uchiha Madara.
Madara : Uchiha Madara!! That's quite a name to hide your identity and maintain the fear in my name until my revival.

-----Back to Present------

Kakashi : Obito!!! I want to ask you one question before our fight.
Obito : ?!!!
Gai : .....
Kakashi : How did you knew about Rin's death?
Obito : (smirks) Hmm!!! How did I knew?
Kakashi : .....
Gai : .....
Obito : Because I saw you when you pierced your chidori into Rin's chest.
Kakashi : ?!!! (Remembers the day of Rin's Funeral) What do you mean?
Gai : ?!!! But Rin ....
Obito : Yes, Rin was killed by this man to whom I entrusted her safety.
Kakashi : That can't be possible.
Obito : You don't even remember that day when you killed your comrade. The day when you fought with the Mist Ninjas.
Kakashi : That day!!! (Remembers thrusting his chidori into Rin's chest) She was not Rin....
Obito : ?!!!
Kakashi : Because she died a week ago before that mission, due to her incurable illness.
Obito : What?!!!! Its a lie!!!
Kakashi : .....That is why I couldn't protect Rin. That is why I couldn't keep your promise. I always regret myself for not saving my precious comrades Obito and Rin.
Obito : Then what happened that day?!!!
( What did Madara planned that day.....?)
Prediction 605 : Enough Sacrifices
Rin: Kakashi.. Im sorry

Kakashi: No.. RIN! What have i done..

Obito stares without emotion.

Fodder mist: Haha, just as i planned.
Kakashi: ??!!! What have you done!!
Foddermist: I used an genjutsu on you, you thought you little girl was me right?
Kakashi: noo.. Rin..
Rin: Its okay Kakashi(bloodspitting) It is not your fault, i shouldnt come near you when using the chidori.. I will see our beloved Obito again..
Kakashi: I cant lose you too.. Rin.
Rin falls dead to the ground.
Kakashi: Rin... OBITOOO!!!!

Kakashi turns back to the mistninja with anger and tears.

Suddenly the fodder mist ninja falls to the ground uncounscious.

Kakashi sees a green monster standing behind the mist ninja.
Kakashi: Who are you.
Zetsu: (let me talk for you Obito).
Green monster: You shouldnt make promises in this cursed shinobi world stupid Kakashi.
Kakashi: You...You know who i am?
Green monster: I know more of you then you think.
Kakashi: ...
Green monster: In some years this world is no longer bound to promises and sacrifices.
Obito: Zetsu...
Kakashi: What do you mean?

Spriral zetsu goes in the ground. Good bye Kakashi, use that left eye with caution.
Kakashi:...... Minato sensei.. Where are you..

Zetsu: Obito... where do you wanna go now?
Obito: I have no place to return to anymore.. now Rin is gone.
Zetsu: You can come with us, and spend some more time together.
Obito: Your right.. You are my friend now, lets go see grandpa uchiha.
Zetsu: Good choice. He is a boring guy, so im happy you come too.

Back at the madara office.

Madara: You have returned.. I told you.

Obito: Thanks for saving me, madara sama. Im no longer in this world of shinobi, im done with the sacrifices, promises and endless casualties... please train me and help me to grow stronger.

Madara: ( perfect) Fine, we will start right away. first i give you some senju dna to burst up your sharingan...

At the end a close up of Obito's crying sharingan with two tomoes, turning in three tomoes, and next page its turning into a mangekyou sharingan.

Another Naruto 605 Prediction
{Sasuke, Orochimaru, are travelling through dense forest, Juugo and Suigetsu are slightly behind}
{Orochimaru looks at Sasuke while they are both skipping through the forest}
Orochimaru - (To think he is increased this much in such a short space of time.......The Uchiha are indeed elite, and Sasuke is a rare genius among those elite)
Sasuke to Orochimaru - Why havent you attempted to use this scroll?
{Orochimaru seems a bit startled by the question}
Sasuke - It is not beyond you to seek power through any means necessary, so why?
Orochimaru - kukukukuku , Sasuke we are alike in that aspect it seems Sasuke
Sasuke - ...........
Orochimaru - Beyond my talents and the knowledge i have acquired there is still a barrier between me and that scroll and its jutsu. That barrier is you Sasuke-kun......or more specifically that special body of yours
Suigetsu - (Tsk, this guy)
{Sasuke looks back straight on}
Sasuke- So.....only an Uchiha can perform this?
Orochimaru - Only a shinobi, who possesses powerful chakra and has acquired the Eternal Mangekyou sharingan.
Sasuke - (Hmph.....to think he deciphered the tablet to even know that much of these eyes)
Orochimaru - ....... {And once this is performed i will have my chance again}
{They suddenly stop travelling}
Juugo - Sasuke..
Sasuke - We are here
Suigetsu - Jeez What happened here ? What is this place
Orochimaru - Hmmm
Sasuke - Konoha.....I see
Orochimaru - Sasuke only you and i are to proceed further
Suigetsu- Bullshit!! Sasuke don't listen to him, he only wants your body, he said it himself!
{Orochimaru Looks at Suigetsu, who immediately takes a couple steps back}
Sasuke - Juugo.....Suigetsu wait here
Suigetsu - Sasuke dont underestimate him!
Juugo - Suigetsu stop. Sasuke is well aware of what he is doing
Suigetsu - Why are you not saying anything, you know better than most what he is capable of?!
Sasuke - Suigetsu, do not underestimate me
{Sasuke activates his EMS}
{Orochimaru smiles}
Orochimaru - (wonderful)
Suigetsu - tsk.....
{Sasuke jumps off into Konoha quickly followed by Orochimaru}
Juugo - Suigetsu......
Suigetsu - what
Juugo - We are in no place but to judge or influence Sasuke. Sasuke's will is no longer Kimmimaro's will.
Suigetsu - Then why do w-
Juugo - However we are indebted to Sasuke so for now we will wait.
{Suigetsu drops on the flood and pulls out a drink}
Suigetsu - Man, these guys....
{Scene switches to Sasuke and Orochimaru who are standing infront of a Building}
Orochimaru - To think the Village would leave themselves so exposed like this. But then again an allied shinobi force is something i would have never imagined.
Sasuke - Lets go..
{Sasuke walks into the building}
{Orochimaru smiles then licks his lips}
Orochimaru - (To think, i will be alone with him at the Naka shrine as he performs that jutsu kukukukuku wonderful)
{Orochimaru follows Sasuke into the secret Naka Shrine}
{Sasuke throws the scroll at Orochimaru}
Sasuke - Only you can prepare this jutsu
Orochimaru - Kukukukuku it seems your insight has progressed enough to read further Sasuke-kun
Sasuke- dont waste my time and allow me to see
{Orochimaru performs unique handsels followed by a summoning , however nothing is summoned but a circled seal on the floor}
Sasuke - .......
Orochimaru - I have done what it is needed, the rest is on you.
Sasuke - A Clan, A Village, A Shinobi........Itachi...
{Sasuke performs the same jutsu however this time his hand stems a line joining that seal}
{A bright light encompasses the whole room, once it fades, Orochimaru stands shocked}
Orochimaru - Sasuke.....you summoned them first?
Voice 1 - What is this?
Voice 2 - It seems we have been released from Hiruzen's Jutsu
Voice 3 - Amazing to think i would have the honour of standing with you all
Voice 4 - I see......
Orochimaru - (what is Sasuke planning, nevertheless i can be patient)
Sasuke to ? them - Hokage's
{All four men - Hashirama Senju, Tobirama Senju, Hiruzen Sarutobi, Minato Namikaze - face Sasuke}
Sasuke - Before i undo this jutsu, there are some things i need to ask you all
وَ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

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