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- Naruto Chapter 613 Prediction
Posted by : a
December 07, 2012
بِسْــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
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MahObito.... >_< |
Arrival of the Kages
(Scene shows Naruto and the Shinobi forces on an all-out attack at Madara, Obito and the Juubi)
Naruto: Fuuton Rasenshuriken!!!!!
Shinobi Forces: (Katon Gokyakuu Jutsu)
(Suiton Water Blast) = (Steam Vapor Blast)
(Doton Doryuuheki)
(Fuuton Gatsugaa) = (Sand Storm Wave)
Madara: So it seems their jutsu is on a quality level huh??
(Scene shows Madara summoned Complete Susanoo to protect him from the Impacts)
Obito: Gotta go too (Obito Transferred to another dimension)
Kakashi: I knew it..
Kakashi: (transfered to another dimension) (with sakura and sai)
Obito: What the??
(Scene shows Sakura landed a heavy punch while Sai Tiger inks succumbed Obito)
(Scene back to Madara)
Madara: Uchiha Gaeshi!!! (Other Jutsu Impacts has been absorbed then counter-blasted the users)
(Scene shows Obito out of the dimension)
Obito: Ugh.. I forget about kakashi able to meet me to the other dimension... This quantity is really annoying!!
(Scene shows many casualties during Madara Technique)
Naruto: (Thinking) Kurama are you ready yet?? we need to fasten it or else more casualties will be numbered)
Kurama: Just buy me a bit more time, Ill be there..
Killer bee: Hey Jigga Jack could you help out here out of the f**K???
Hachibi: You fool!!! im halfway there!!
(Scene shows Madara continues making attacks and explosions at the battlefield)
Madara: I guess quarter of your quantity already exterminated huh??? you 5 countries are pitiful!!
(Scene shows Naruto seeing the casualties)
Naruto: (Kurama Back me up as soon as ur finished) (Making Handseals)
Naruto: Tajuu Kage Bunshin no Jutsu..... (making a Sage Rasenshuriken)
Naruto: Orrrryahh!!!!!
(Scene shows Naruto the only one charging at the battlefield)
Shikaku: Naruto I know its hard losing the other but you will need some assistance..
Shikaku: Shikamaru, we'll need your shadow mimic, Hinata Chouji and Sakura make a diversion
Shikaku: Guy and Kakashi rally other shinobi to make a distraction...
(Scene shows the Team Play)
Might Guy: Hirodura
Kakashi: Raikiri!!
(Scene shows some explosion and Madara uses Susanoo to evade the jutsus of Kakashi and Guy)
(Scene shows Obito punches out Kakashi while entangling Guy with his mokuton jutsu)
(Scene Shows Sakura Hinata and Chouji)
Chouji: Doton!!! Rolling Boulder (Chouji turns into a big boulder and rolls out to Madara)
Sakura: Hannarooo!!! (smashes the groung and impales rocks to Madara
Hinata: Eight Triagrams!!! (Scene shows chakra needles thrown to Madara)
(Scene shows Madara has no choice but to absorb the Jutsu)
Madara: Rinnegan!!!
(Scene shows all jutsu was sucked up)
Shikamaru: Shadow Binding Jutsu!!! Succesful!!!! Naruto Now!!!!!!
Shikaku: Yeah!!! go for it!!!
Naruto: Eat This Rasen Shuuriken!!!!!
(Scene shows Madara is hit by the Fuuton Rasen Shuriken)
Madara: Impossible Ugh!!!!
Shikaku: Shinobi Army Lets keep the Pressure continue to release our jutsus!!! all out!!!
(Scene shows sudden users firing at Madara & Company)
???: Ryuusa Bakuryu (Sand Wave0
???: Raiton!! Black Lightning!!!
???: Dust Element Atomic Detachment!!!
???: Suiton Water Splash!!!
Shikaku: It seems the Kage's are here as well but wheres?? Godaime??
(Scene shows Huge Explosion)
(Scene shows Obito and Madara in hurt condition)
Madara: Ugh... So many Jutsu cant sustain the defence with Susanoo and Rinnegan.. I gues its a blind spot really
Obito; Hmmm.. the Shinobi Alliance has power up their sleeves maybe!!!
(Scene shows Naruto)
Naruto: Thanks Granpa Kage!! we did a good hit huh??? Wheres Tsunade Sama??
(Scene shows the 4 kages are silenced)
Naruto: (Changes to Sage Mode) (Feels everyone Chakra) (Eyes Glares)
(Is the 4 Kages enough for the Shino Army to create a hope with the ongoing war??)
Naruto: Fuuton Rasenshuriken!!!!!
Shinobi Forces: (Katon Gokyakuu Jutsu)
(Suiton Water Blast) = (Steam Vapor Blast)
(Doton Doryuuheki)
(Fuuton Gatsugaa) = (Sand Storm Wave)
Madara: So it seems their jutsu is on a quality level huh??
(Scene shows Madara summoned Complete Susanoo to protect him from the Impacts)
Obito: Gotta go too (Obito Transferred to another dimension)
Kakashi: I knew it..
Kakashi: (transfered to another dimension) (with sakura and sai)
Obito: What the??
(Scene shows Sakura landed a heavy punch while Sai Tiger inks succumbed Obito)
(Scene back to Madara)
Madara: Uchiha Gaeshi!!! (Other Jutsu Impacts has been absorbed then counter-blasted the users)
(Scene shows Obito out of the dimension)
Obito: Ugh.. I forget about kakashi able to meet me to the other dimension... This quantity is really annoying!!
(Scene shows many casualties during Madara Technique)
Naruto: (Thinking) Kurama are you ready yet?? we need to fasten it or else more casualties will be numbered)
Kurama: Just buy me a bit more time, Ill be there..
Killer bee: Hey Jigga Jack could you help out here out of the f**K???
Hachibi: You fool!!! im halfway there!!
(Scene shows Madara continues making attacks and explosions at the battlefield)
Madara: I guess quarter of your quantity already exterminated huh??? you 5 countries are pitiful!!
(Scene shows Naruto seeing the casualties)
Naruto: (Kurama Back me up as soon as ur finished) (Making Handseals)
Naruto: Tajuu Kage Bunshin no Jutsu..... (making a Sage Rasenshuriken)
Naruto: Orrrryahh!!!!!
(Scene shows Naruto the only one charging at the battlefield)
Shikaku: Naruto I know its hard losing the other but you will need some assistance..
Shikaku: Shikamaru, we'll need your shadow mimic, Hinata Chouji and Sakura make a diversion
Shikaku: Guy and Kakashi rally other shinobi to make a distraction...
(Scene shows the Team Play)
Might Guy: Hirodura
Kakashi: Raikiri!!
(Scene shows some explosion and Madara uses Susanoo to evade the jutsus of Kakashi and Guy)
(Scene shows Obito punches out Kakashi while entangling Guy with his mokuton jutsu)
(Scene Shows Sakura Hinata and Chouji)
Chouji: Doton!!! Rolling Boulder (Chouji turns into a big boulder and rolls out to Madara)
Sakura: Hannarooo!!! (smashes the groung and impales rocks to Madara
Hinata: Eight Triagrams!!! (Scene shows chakra needles thrown to Madara)
(Scene shows Madara has no choice but to absorb the Jutsu)
Madara: Rinnegan!!!
(Scene shows all jutsu was sucked up)
Shikamaru: Shadow Binding Jutsu!!! Succesful!!!! Naruto Now!!!!!!
Shikaku: Yeah!!! go for it!!!
Naruto: Eat This Rasen Shuuriken!!!!!
(Scene shows Madara is hit by the Fuuton Rasen Shuriken)
Madara: Impossible Ugh!!!!
Shikaku: Shinobi Army Lets keep the Pressure continue to release our jutsus!!! all out!!!
(Scene shows sudden users firing at Madara & Company)
???: Ryuusa Bakuryu (Sand Wave0
???: Raiton!! Black Lightning!!!
???: Dust Element Atomic Detachment!!!
???: Suiton Water Splash!!!
Shikaku: It seems the Kage's are here as well but wheres?? Godaime??
(Scene shows Huge Explosion)
(Scene shows Obito and Madara in hurt condition)
Madara: Ugh... So many Jutsu cant sustain the defence with Susanoo and Rinnegan.. I gues its a blind spot really
Obito; Hmmm.. the Shinobi Alliance has power up their sleeves maybe!!!
(Scene shows Naruto)
Naruto: Thanks Granpa Kage!! we did a good hit huh??? Wheres Tsunade Sama??
(Scene shows the 4 kages are silenced)
Naruto: (Changes to Sage Mode) (Feels everyone Chakra) (Eyes Glares)
(Is the 4 Kages enough for the Shino Army to create a hope with the ongoing war??)
Naruto and the alliance attack head on!
Madara: Obito, how much do you want to be that he's a clone?
Obito: ...
Naruto throws his rasen shuriken
Madara puts his hand up
Madara: What a weak jutsu...
The rasen shuriken poofs away and out comes another Naruto clone
Madara: !
Naruto: Gotcha!
Naruto grabs on to Madara as if he's hugging him
Madara: Annnnd goodbye.
Madara starts to absorb Naruto's chakra
Obito: *I see, he's doing the same thing he did against Pain. I should warn Madara...so why am I not speaking up.....*
Madara: !?
Madara starts turning to stone
Naruto: Heeheh you fell for it! Do it guys!
Lee and Gai come from the sides and try to kick Madara's head off
Madara: Laughable.
Madara blows them all away with shinra tensei
Madara: It's time.
The Juubi starts to grow it's shell around it's back
Shikaku: !??
Ao: The sensing orb it's collapsing!
Shikaku: No...don't tell me...
Madara: Destroy them, Juubi!
Juubi rips out of the rock cage and doing so, eliminates a huge portion of the alliance with it's tail swipes
Naruto: urgh what the hell!?
Kakashi: It seems the 10 tails is evolving....
C: This chakra...!!??
C collapses with a nose bleed, as do a lot of other sensors
Naruto: Kurama! How much longer!
Kurama: One minute.
Naruto: !
The Juubi creates a handsign
Kakashi: !?? That's
Bee: Oh shit yo..
Juubi's eye starts bleeding
The Juubi creates an enormous amount of Amaterasu flames from it's eye
A lot of shinobi are burning
Naruto: That was close...
Gamabunta throws away his shield covered in Amaterasu
Gamabunta: Been a while Naruto, but to summon me at a time like this....
Naruto: hehe sorry... we kind of need ya..
Kurama: !
Naruto: What is it?
Kurama: That's it....summon those two frog sages.
Naruto: uh...ok.
Naruto: Cover me, I'm summing Ma and Pa!
Gamabunta: Right!
Madara: What's the kid up to now....
Obito: Who knows...they're not a threat anymore. Let us continue.
Ma and Pa get summoned
Naruto: Sorry, Kurama requested it.
Pa: Kura who?
Naruto: The nine tails!
Pa: !? could it be....
Kurama: Switch with me Naruto.
Naruto/Kurama: listen you frogs, I need you to fuse with Naruto like you did with that pervy sage.
Pa and Ma: !
Ma: no way...don't tell me..
Pa: I think Jiraiya boy was right all along... we'll do it!
Kurama: This time I will allow you to fuse with him, and once you do, we'll see what happens.
Naruto: All right, do it!
Ma and Pa jump on Naruto's shoulders.
Naruto is in Permanent sage mode
Naruto: Woah this is nuts! I can stay in sage mode forever with you guys!
Kurama: Now....
Naruto: !??
Naruto starts getting his Bm chakra back
Madara: !???
Obito: !? What the hell?
Madara: You sensed that as well...
Naruto's chakra is not orange anymore, It's white.
Kakashi: I see, mixing sage chakra with kurama's chakra...creates a new form of chakra.
Killerbee: Hot dayum he looks cool.
Sakura and the rest of the alliance are starring in awe.
Kurama: Listen Naruto, the great sage had two sons. Both sons contained a weapon of the great sage. The younger one had that fan that Madara holds right now, the other weapon is stores inside me however....
Naruto: What..say it!
Kurama: Only a true sage can hold this weapon, if you don't meet the requirements, you will die.
Naruto: ...
Kurama opens his mouth and out comes the staff.
Naruto is about to grab the staff but stops.
Naruto: what if.....
Minato; You are.
Naruto: Dad!
Kushina: Don't worry naruto, we're here.
Naruto: Mom...
Minato: I'm so proud of you Naruto...and I know you are the true saviour of this world.
Kurama: Only a true sage can defeat the perfect Juubi.
Naruto grabs the staff.
Kurama: Go, Naruto!
Naruto stands and looks at Obito and Madara.
Madara: That's not good...he's got the second weapon....
Obito: What does that mean...
Naruto: It means...
Naruto appears right behind them on the Juubi
Madara: !??
Obito: He teleported...like the yellow flash!?
Naruto: You're finished.
Chapter end.
Madara: Obito, how much do you want to be that he's a clone?
Obito: ...
Naruto throws his rasen shuriken
Madara puts his hand up
Madara: What a weak jutsu...
The rasen shuriken poofs away and out comes another Naruto clone
Madara: !
Naruto: Gotcha!
Naruto grabs on to Madara as if he's hugging him
Madara: Annnnd goodbye.
Madara starts to absorb Naruto's chakra
Obito: *I see, he's doing the same thing he did against Pain. I should warn Madara...so why am I not speaking up.....*
Madara: !?
Madara starts turning to stone
Naruto: Heeheh you fell for it! Do it guys!
Lee and Gai come from the sides and try to kick Madara's head off
Madara: Laughable.
Madara blows them all away with shinra tensei
Madara: It's time.
The Juubi starts to grow it's shell around it's back
Shikaku: !??
Ao: The sensing orb it's collapsing!
Shikaku: No...don't tell me...
Madara: Destroy them, Juubi!
Juubi rips out of the rock cage and doing so, eliminates a huge portion of the alliance with it's tail swipes
Naruto: urgh what the hell!?
Kakashi: It seems the 10 tails is evolving....
C: This chakra...!!??
C collapses with a nose bleed, as do a lot of other sensors
Naruto: Kurama! How much longer!
Kurama: One minute.
Naruto: !
The Juubi creates a handsign
Kakashi: !?? That's
Bee: Oh shit yo..
Juubi's eye starts bleeding
The Juubi creates an enormous amount of Amaterasu flames from it's eye
A lot of shinobi are burning
Naruto: That was close...
Gamabunta throws away his shield covered in Amaterasu
Gamabunta: Been a while Naruto, but to summon me at a time like this....
Naruto: hehe sorry... we kind of need ya..
Kurama: !
Naruto: What is it?
Kurama: That's it....summon those two frog sages.
Naruto: uh...ok.
Naruto: Cover me, I'm summing Ma and Pa!
Gamabunta: Right!
Madara: What's the kid up to now....
Obito: Who knows...they're not a threat anymore. Let us continue.
Ma and Pa get summoned
Naruto: Sorry, Kurama requested it.
Pa: Kura who?
Naruto: The nine tails!
Pa: !? could it be....
Kurama: Switch with me Naruto.
Naruto/Kurama: listen you frogs, I need you to fuse with Naruto like you did with that pervy sage.
Pa and Ma: !
Ma: no way...don't tell me..
Pa: I think Jiraiya boy was right all along... we'll do it!
Kurama: This time I will allow you to fuse with him, and once you do, we'll see what happens.
Naruto: All right, do it!
Ma and Pa jump on Naruto's shoulders.
Naruto is in Permanent sage mode
Naruto: Woah this is nuts! I can stay in sage mode forever with you guys!
Kurama: Now....
Naruto: !??
Naruto starts getting his Bm chakra back
Madara: !???
Obito: !? What the hell?
Madara: You sensed that as well...
Naruto's chakra is not orange anymore, It's white.
Kakashi: I see, mixing sage chakra with kurama's chakra...creates a new form of chakra.
Killerbee: Hot dayum he looks cool.
Sakura and the rest of the alliance are starring in awe.
Kurama: Listen Naruto, the great sage had two sons. Both sons contained a weapon of the great sage. The younger one had that fan that Madara holds right now, the other weapon is stores inside me however....
Naruto: What..say it!
Kurama: Only a true sage can hold this weapon, if you don't meet the requirements, you will die.
Naruto: ...
Kurama opens his mouth and out comes the staff.
Naruto is about to grab the staff but stops.
Naruto: what if.....
Minato; You are.
Naruto: Dad!
Kushina: Don't worry naruto, we're here.
Naruto: Mom...
Minato: I'm so proud of you Naruto...and I know you are the true saviour of this world.
Kurama: Only a true sage can defeat the perfect Juubi.
Naruto grabs the staff.
Kurama: Go, Naruto!
Naruto stands and looks at Obito and Madara.
Madara: That's not good...he's got the second weapon....
Obito: What does that mean...
Naruto: It means...
Naruto appears right behind them on the Juubi
Madara: !??
Obito: He teleported...like the yellow flash!?
Naruto: You're finished.
Chapter end.
The One who Killed them during the Ancient War
*it opens with orochimaru, sasuke, jugo, and suigetsu in a moist cave*
Sasuke: this place I feel like …. What is this feeling like ….. ive been here millions of times
Orochimaru: it is the reason I want your eyes and your body you are a direct desenddant of ….
???: me
Jugo: my body its … ( he beomes uncouncess )
Suigetsu: orochimaru if this is on..( his is also knocked out)
Orochimaru: I knew that they wou… ( he is knocked out at this point only sauke is standing)
???: that makes it easier to tell who is my kin hello uchiha I am Chīzukēki The master of byakugan and the one who beckoned the ten tails on this world I assume you wish to know the truth?
Sasuke: yes
Chīzukēki: Take me to the battlefield when you kill the one whose chakra is darker than the eyes of ctuhlu then I shall answer your questions
(This is what Chīzukēki looks like)
*back to the battlefield*
Obito: The ten tails is not responding
Madara: I know it is evolving
Obito: no its scarred …. I sense I strong evil dark chakra stronger than yours
Madara: ?!?!?
Ino: you sense that?
Fodder sensor type: yeah like death
Fodder sarutobi: what is this feeling?
Naruto: I sense such negative energy I also sense SASUKE?!?!?!
*A huge cloud of smoke literally dwarfing the one made by the sninobi alliance appears *
Sasuke: I have come for your head Madara
Chīzukēki: hello daidarabotchi my beloved pet come to your master
Juubi: ….
Chīzukēki: you won’t like me when im mad * There is a dead silence all ninja’s who use chakra are slowly falling to the ground so yeah everyone* 212 years ive been alive and all you stole my creation !!!!! where do you think the sage got his eyes?!?!?!? Those are merely a weaker version of mine why do you think my daidarabotchi has tomoe and the rinnegan he is my beast I gave him his power and the sage upon becoming the host merely inherited that power in the form of the sharingain and the rinnegan the heavenly eyes and then my eyes the ones who are blessed beyond all the Subete no kurai me ( Eyes of darkness) you will die for your thieving
Juubi: * a bunch of inexplainable grunts* master … ( the tentails begins to walk towards him)
Chīzukēki: good pet now di… ( obito jumps in the way
Obito : no this is my dream of rin you will not ta… ( his power becomes pure white)
Chīzukēki: Cheesecake skin ( obito touches the ground and shatters) now as I was saying Time to digest some tasty cheesecake ( a giant pizza, banana, pretzel, oreo cheesecake comes from the sky which the ten tails devours.) Now madara you will die
Next chapter : really kishi cheesecake?
Sasuke: this place I feel like …. What is this feeling like ….. ive been here millions of times
Orochimaru: it is the reason I want your eyes and your body you are a direct desenddant of ….
???: me
Jugo: my body its … ( he beomes uncouncess )
Suigetsu: orochimaru if this is on..( his is also knocked out)
Orochimaru: I knew that they wou… ( he is knocked out at this point only sauke is standing)
???: that makes it easier to tell who is my kin hello uchiha I am Chīzukēki The master of byakugan and the one who beckoned the ten tails on this world I assume you wish to know the truth?
Sasuke: yes
Chīzukēki: Take me to the battlefield when you kill the one whose chakra is darker than the eyes of ctuhlu then I shall answer your questions
(This is what Chīzukēki looks like)
*back to the battlefield*
Obito: The ten tails is not responding
Madara: I know it is evolving
Obito: no its scarred …. I sense I strong evil dark chakra stronger than yours
Madara: ?!?!?
Ino: you sense that?
Fodder sensor type: yeah like death
Fodder sarutobi: what is this feeling?
Naruto: I sense such negative energy I also sense SASUKE?!?!?!
*A huge cloud of smoke literally dwarfing the one made by the sninobi alliance appears *
Sasuke: I have come for your head Madara
Chīzukēki: hello daidarabotchi my beloved pet come to your master
Juubi: ….
Chīzukēki: you won’t like me when im mad * There is a dead silence all ninja’s who use chakra are slowly falling to the ground so yeah everyone* 212 years ive been alive and all you stole my creation !!!!! where do you think the sage got his eyes?!?!?!? Those are merely a weaker version of mine why do you think my daidarabotchi has tomoe and the rinnegan he is my beast I gave him his power and the sage upon becoming the host merely inherited that power in the form of the sharingain and the rinnegan the heavenly eyes and then my eyes the ones who are blessed beyond all the Subete no kurai me ( Eyes of darkness) you will die for your thieving
Juubi: * a bunch of inexplainable grunts* master … ( the tentails begins to walk towards him)
Chīzukēki: good pet now di… ( obito jumps in the way
Obito : no this is my dream of rin you will not ta… ( his power becomes pure white)
Chīzukēki: Cheesecake skin ( obito touches the ground and shatters) now as I was saying Time to digest some tasty cheesecake ( a giant pizza, banana, pretzel, oreo cheesecake comes from the sky which the ten tails devours.) Now madara you will die
Next chapter : really kishi cheesecake?
the ten tails final form
Madara: You pathetic foolish naïve little pricks its cute that yall think your gunna win this war but ya not.
Obito: The juubi ha this isn’t even his final form
Fodder G: what?
Sakura: imam smash it yeah cause im a hopeless little pink headed tramp who still loves sasuke leedle leedle leedle * she flys into the and smashes down on the ten tails the hit like her is utterly useless*
Ten tails: * he swats her away like a fly getting hit by thor’s hammer*
Sakura: SASUKE!!!!!!
Naruto: and im just a nobody I guess Hey kurama you almost done
Kurama: * he is seen fapping fursiously in a corner* yeah almost done
Naruto: uhhh… ok -.-
Killer B: im here as useless as can be took out sasuke but was cheated out of victoryyyy they can meh killer B
Juubi: Kono sekai o kōhai sa seru tame no jikan ( time to lay waste to this world)
Madara/obito: Time to lay waste to you all
*they are now merged with core of the tentails*
Kakashi: I still have hope
Shikamaru: to a new tomorrow
Fodder F: lets take… ( he is stepped on and bones shattered)
Juubi: kikara fudo uchi * thousands of eyes appear around his body half of the army begins to tear their own arms off and peel off their own fingernails while 1/3 of the rest wimper in fear ( mostly all fodder) *
Madara: glorious
Naruto: what is happening?
???: you don’t have us
Remainder of army : ?!?!?!
Sasuke: (he looks a greyer tint and his chakra is immense also a more refined not perfect but refined susanoo is seen) now then let’s see what I can do * he launches an enormous pillar of snakes at both the army and tentails* THE WORLD IS MY ENEMY I KNOW THE TRUTH
Obito: The juubi ha this isn’t even his final form
Fodder G: what?
Sakura: imam smash it yeah cause im a hopeless little pink headed tramp who still loves sasuke leedle leedle leedle * she flys into the and smashes down on the ten tails the hit like her is utterly useless*
Ten tails: * he swats her away like a fly getting hit by thor’s hammer*
Sakura: SASUKE!!!!!!
Naruto: and im just a nobody I guess Hey kurama you almost done
Kurama: * he is seen fapping fursiously in a corner* yeah almost done
Naruto: uhhh… ok -.-
Killer B: im here as useless as can be took out sasuke but was cheated out of victoryyyy they can meh killer B
Juubi: Kono sekai o kōhai sa seru tame no jikan ( time to lay waste to this world)
Madara/obito: Time to lay waste to you all
*they are now merged with core of the tentails*
Kakashi: I still have hope
Shikamaru: to a new tomorrow
Fodder F: lets take… ( he is stepped on and bones shattered)
Juubi: kikara fudo uchi * thousands of eyes appear around his body half of the army begins to tear their own arms off and peel off their own fingernails while 1/3 of the rest wimper in fear ( mostly all fodder) *
Madara: glorious
Naruto: what is happening?
???: you don’t have us
Remainder of army : ?!?!?!
Sasuke: (he looks a greyer tint and his chakra is immense also a more refined not perfect but refined susanoo is seen) now then let’s see what I can do * he launches an enormous pillar of snakes at both the army and tentails* THE WORLD IS MY ENEMY I KNOW THE TRUTH
Obito : The Juubi....has just about reached 'Maturity'
(The tails of the Juubi starts unveiling itself)
Naruto : Take this!!! Rasen-Shuriken!!!
(Naruto throws it towards Madara and Obito)
(After few seconds later...)
Shinobis : Fire Style : Fireball Jutsu!!
(The Fireball Jutsu covers the R-S and its size increases)
(Obito and Madara stands unsurprisingly)
Naruto : Huh?!!! (widens his eyes as he senses the chakra)
(The fire covered R-S is thrown back at the attacking group with Juubi's tail swing)
Shinobis : ?!!
(Some of the shinobis including Gai, Lee, Kakashi dodges the attack and jumps back on the surface while the unaware.......)
(As the returned attack hits the group, Naruto's clone bursts out in smoke and the R-S expands killing several shinobis)
(Everyone watches the huge fire covered R-S expanding into a huge sphere and hearing the painful screams of the dying shinobis)
Attacked Shinobis : Aaaaaarrrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhh!!!!
(Blood spills everywhere around the location)
Everyone : ?!!!
(As the R-S vanishes off, the dead and the injured falls in the huge pit created while some falls on the surface)
(Naruto standing at the edge falls on his knees)
(His Sage mode goes off)
(His body shivers watching the dead because of his R-S)
Madara : (moves away one of the dead falling at his feet with his leg) (looking at Naruto) You reduced our efforts to clean the field.
Naruto : ?!!
(The tails of the Juubi staarts destroying the walls of the pit because of less space)
(Cracks starts forming in the concrete at the vicinity of the Juubi's hands)
Juubi : (growls louder) (a terrifying wave of sound spreads over the area) (cracks occurs at the edges of the pit as the wave advances)
(Juubi instantly removes his hands from the concrete ground and tries to move out of the concrete while smashing the dead beneath his hands)
Obito : Is it ok to loose his ropes too much?
Madara : Don't worry about it. Just enjoy it!!
Obito : ?!!
(The Juubi punches his fist in the wall and attempts climbing to get out of the pit)
Shinobis : The Juubi is trying to get out!!!
(Shinobis approaches the pit to attack again)
(Huge blow of wind flows out from the pit and the Juubi leaps high in the air throwing away the approaching shinobis)
Kakashi : (takes Naruto away from the pit) Naruto!! Hey Naruto!!
(Juubi jumps back away from the ASF)
(The tails of the Juubi blooms with several spikes coming out of each bloomed part)
(The Juubi is shown sitting like the image shown below)

Naruto : [Nagato....] (flashback)
[Nagato : ....War brings death...and wounds and pain to both sides....There's nothing harder than to accept the deaths of those you love.....so you believe....they could never die...Especially...those who haven't known war...like.....Your Generation....You try to find meaning in death....but...there's only pain.... and hatred...that you don't know what to do with....Dying like trash...neverending hatred.....pain that never heals.....that ....is war...Naruto..this is ...what....you must face.]
Naruto : (after getting out of the shock) Hmm. (looks at Kakashi) I'm alright now, Kakashi Sensei. [Nagato....the war] (looks at the dead lying around and then at the Juubi) [...the Pain..] (looks at Obito) (takes the support of Kakashi) [....the Hatred.....] (looks at Madara) [....Thank You Nagato.] (..stands up with a determination) This war....The Hope will never be lost. We will win this!!!
Kakashi : Hmm?!! There is no need for you to blame yourself. Everyone believes in you(looks at Naruto and then at ASF)
(Some medical ninjas already started healing the injured)
Madara : (watching at the ASF) Time to clear the field. I wish Hashirama could see, the destruction of the Five Great Nations, among which he tried to maintain peace.
Everyone : ?!!
Obito : In one blow!!
(Juubi prepares for the next bijuudama)
(As the chakra density increases his mouth lowers close to the ground)
Obito : This time there won't be any mistake!! The World ends here!!
(The bijuudama is complete and is about to be released)
???? : Eight Trigrams One Hundred Twenty-Eight Palms!!!
(Madara and Obito are shown in a huge green circle)
Madara/Obito : Hmm?
Naruto : Neji?!! When did he get there?
Everyone : ?!!
{HQ}Shikaku : Neji was ordered to search for the hideout from the information we got from the scroll sent by Mitarashi Anko's squad. Because according to my calculation, this must be the hideout where Gedo Mazo was secured. And those white Zetsus were made from Yamato's chakra DNA as well as some chakra portion from the Mazo. Anko is also missing. The information also said about the 100000 zetsus lying underground at the hideout. We contacted for one of the Hyuuga clan to search for Yamato at the hideout.
(flashback of Neji searching for Yamato along with some reinforcements)
Naruto : Woahh!!
(Neji shoots out chakra through his Gentle Fist and damages Madara and Obito before they could react)
Yamato : Wood Style : Giant Binding Forest!!
Madara/Obito : ?!!
Obito : [We must release the Bijuudama] ?!!
(Neji strikes out the cords that connected Madara and Obito with the Juubi)
(The Giant Forest binds the Juubi and its tails and the Bijuudama goes off)
(Neji at his final blow gives an Air Palm attack but is absorbed by the Rinnegan)
Madara : Play time's over!!
Neji : (taking hard breath) ?!!
Rock Lee/ Gai : Leaf Hurricane!!!
(Leaf Hurricane throws Obito and Madara away from Juubi on the ground)
(Juubi is shown not much trying to get out from the binding)
(Lee and Gai stands on the Juubi in their weird pose)
(Naruto, in KCM, walks into the field and stands showing back to the Juubi and facing Obito and Madara.)
[Naruto : So you're ready for the action?
Kurama : Heh!!]
Yamato : Too much happened with you Naruto.
(Naruto smirks)
(K11 stands behind Naruto along with Kakashi, Gai and Yamato on one side and the whole ASF on the other side of Madara and Obito)
(The tails of the Juubi starts unveiling itself)
Naruto : Take this!!! Rasen-Shuriken!!!
(Naruto throws it towards Madara and Obito)
(After few seconds later...)
Shinobis : Fire Style : Fireball Jutsu!!
(The Fireball Jutsu covers the R-S and its size increases)
(Obito and Madara stands unsurprisingly)
Naruto : Huh?!!! (widens his eyes as he senses the chakra)
(The fire covered R-S is thrown back at the attacking group with Juubi's tail swing)
Shinobis : ?!!
(Some of the shinobis including Gai, Lee, Kakashi dodges the attack and jumps back on the surface while the unaware.......)
(As the returned attack hits the group, Naruto's clone bursts out in smoke and the R-S expands killing several shinobis)
(Everyone watches the huge fire covered R-S expanding into a huge sphere and hearing the painful screams of the dying shinobis)
Attacked Shinobis : Aaaaaarrrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhh!!!!
(Blood spills everywhere around the location)
Everyone : ?!!!
(As the R-S vanishes off, the dead and the injured falls in the huge pit created while some falls on the surface)
(Naruto standing at the edge falls on his knees)
(His Sage mode goes off)
(His body shivers watching the dead because of his R-S)
Madara : (moves away one of the dead falling at his feet with his leg) (looking at Naruto) You reduced our efforts to clean the field.
Naruto : ?!!
(The tails of the Juubi staarts destroying the walls of the pit because of less space)
(Cracks starts forming in the concrete at the vicinity of the Juubi's hands)
Juubi : (growls louder) (a terrifying wave of sound spreads over the area) (cracks occurs at the edges of the pit as the wave advances)
(Juubi instantly removes his hands from the concrete ground and tries to move out of the concrete while smashing the dead beneath his hands)
Obito : Is it ok to loose his ropes too much?
Madara : Don't worry about it. Just enjoy it!!
Obito : ?!!
(The Juubi punches his fist in the wall and attempts climbing to get out of the pit)
Shinobis : The Juubi is trying to get out!!!
(Shinobis approaches the pit to attack again)
(Huge blow of wind flows out from the pit and the Juubi leaps high in the air throwing away the approaching shinobis)
Kakashi : (takes Naruto away from the pit) Naruto!! Hey Naruto!!
(Juubi jumps back away from the ASF)
(The tails of the Juubi blooms with several spikes coming out of each bloomed part)
(The Juubi is shown sitting like the image shown below)

Naruto : [Nagato....] (flashback)
[Nagato : ....War brings death...and wounds and pain to both sides....There's nothing harder than to accept the deaths of those you love.....so you believe....they could never die...Especially...those who haven't known war...like.....Your Generation....You try to find meaning in death....but...there's only pain.... and hatred...that you don't know what to do with....Dying like trash...neverending hatred.....pain that never heals.....that ....is war...Naruto..this is ...what....you must face.]
Naruto : (after getting out of the shock) Hmm. (looks at Kakashi) I'm alright now, Kakashi Sensei. [Nagato....the war] (looks at the dead lying around and then at the Juubi) [...the Pain..] (looks at Obito) (takes the support of Kakashi) [....the Hatred.....] (looks at Madara) [....Thank You Nagato.] (..stands up with a determination) This war....The Hope will never be lost. We will win this!!!
Kakashi : Hmm?!! There is no need for you to blame yourself. Everyone believes in you(looks at Naruto and then at ASF)
(Some medical ninjas already started healing the injured)
Madara : (watching at the ASF) Time to clear the field. I wish Hashirama could see, the destruction of the Five Great Nations, among which he tried to maintain peace.
Everyone : ?!!
Obito : In one blow!!
(Juubi prepares for the next bijuudama)
(As the chakra density increases his mouth lowers close to the ground)
Obito : This time there won't be any mistake!! The World ends here!!
(The bijuudama is complete and is about to be released)
???? : Eight Trigrams One Hundred Twenty-Eight Palms!!!
(Madara and Obito are shown in a huge green circle)
Madara/Obito : Hmm?
Naruto : Neji?!! When did he get there?
Everyone : ?!!
{HQ}Shikaku : Neji was ordered to search for the hideout from the information we got from the scroll sent by Mitarashi Anko's squad. Because according to my calculation, this must be the hideout where Gedo Mazo was secured. And those white Zetsus were made from Yamato's chakra DNA as well as some chakra portion from the Mazo. Anko is also missing. The information also said about the 100000 zetsus lying underground at the hideout. We contacted for one of the Hyuuga clan to search for Yamato at the hideout.
(flashback of Neji searching for Yamato along with some reinforcements)
Naruto : Woahh!!
(Neji shoots out chakra through his Gentle Fist and damages Madara and Obito before they could react)
Yamato : Wood Style : Giant Binding Forest!!
Madara/Obito : ?!!
Obito : [We must release the Bijuudama] ?!!
(Neji strikes out the cords that connected Madara and Obito with the Juubi)
(The Giant Forest binds the Juubi and its tails and the Bijuudama goes off)
(Neji at his final blow gives an Air Palm attack but is absorbed by the Rinnegan)
Madara : Play time's over!!
Neji : (taking hard breath) ?!!
Rock Lee/ Gai : Leaf Hurricane!!!
(Leaf Hurricane throws Obito and Madara away from Juubi on the ground)
(Juubi is shown not much trying to get out from the binding)
(Lee and Gai stands on the Juubi in their weird pose)
(Naruto, in KCM, walks into the field and stands showing back to the Juubi and facing Obito and Madara.)
[Naruto : So you're ready for the action?
Kurama : Heh!!]
Yamato : Too much happened with you Naruto.
(Naruto smirks)
(K11 stands behind Naruto along with Kakashi, Gai and Yamato on one side and the whole ASF on the other side of Madara and Obito)
Untuk sementara baru ada segitu prediksinya... ^^a
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Terima Kasih Arigatou... b^^d
وَ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ